♡ (Highschool) Gojo- Careless!

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(art credit: demaymayart on insta)

It was a late Saturday evening when you heard a light knock against your door. You look over at your nightstand to check the time.

"1:39 A.M"

"Maybe it's Satoru wanting to hang out." You think to yourself. It isn't unusual for him to bother you at odd hours of the night.

You and Gojo have been close friends for awhile now, but both of you could always feel that there was something a little...more there. Neither of you have said anything about it, to scared to ruin what you have.

When you open the door you're indeed met with Satoru Gojo, but not in the way you were expecting. The boy in front of you is towering over you with a bloody nose, bloody clothes, and is subtlety shaking.

"Oh my god what happened?" You ask, startled by his appearance. You've never even seen the man get a paper cut before.

"I...uhm...well." He pauses before he continues.

"Me and Suguru got into an argument and it got pretty serious, and then we started fighting and then, well yeah that's about it." He says trying to avoid eye contact with you.

You don't say anything, instead you gently grab his wrist and pull him into your dorm. When you release his wrist he sits on your bed with his hands in his lap, twiddling his thumbs.

"You two are so careless! Always getting into petty arguments about nonsense. Now look at you! I'm sure Suguru looks just as bad!"

You turn around to see a shirtless Gojo sitting on your bed, looking up at you. His glasses have slid down his nose slightly, leaving you exposed to his piercing eyes. His expression is unreadable and suddenly you're feeling nervous.

"Why are you naked." You ask turning around and covering your eyes, trying to play off your embarrassment.

"Not naked, just my shirt. Plus I didn't wanna get blood all over your bed, AND I have bruises on my chest." He whines to you, his serious demeanor now changing to one of playfulness.

Unfortunately it doesn't last and he quickly returned to the serious unreadable expression from earlier. Thankfully you have a first aid kit in your room. You walk over to your drawer and grab the first aid kit. You look back at him and he's still staring at you with the same piercing eyes, unwavering focus.

"Why're you staring at me like that." You say with an awkward chuckle, his face softens ever so slightly as he tilts his head.

"Like what?" He says with genuine confusion.

"Like you want to eat me." You say, this time with a real laugh.

"Maybe I do." He replies a little to quickly.

"Ha ha very funny Satoru, you should become a comedian." You say sarcastically as you open the first aid kit, searching for the materials you need.

He stays quiet as you grab a disinfectant wipe. You gently grab his chin and tilt his face up, for better access to his bloody nose.

"Damn, he must've gotten you good." You mumble as you clean up his bloodied face. He doesn't speak, he just continues watching your every move.

"There! All clean, you can do your chest yourself." You turn around to go throw away the dirty wipes but are stopped by a firm grip around your wrist.

"Can you do it, pleaseeeeee. My arms hurt so muchhhhh." He whines and pleads with his puppy eyes, fluttering his pretty eyelashes at you.

You roll your eyes at his begging, but you inevitably give in. Taking a moment you look over his chest, there's a few cuts and several bruises. What even caused their fight in the first place? You find yourself wondering.

You're brought back to reality by an embarrassed Gojo. His skin has now turned a light pink and he's picking at his nails on his lap.

"Why're you so nervous?" You say finally looking away, reaching for the first aid kit.

"Now you're looking at me like you want to eat me." He says looking away, his confidence now destroyed. You hadn't even realized how intensely you were staring at the poor guy.

"Maybe I do." You reply, mocking his earlier comment.

When you turn back around the embarrassment finally hits you. It isn't really a big deal, all your doing is helping a friend with some wounds, but for some reason the tension is unbearable.

If just for a moment you analyze the situation you can see how this might be strange. It's 1 a.m and you're currently in your dorm room with a guy, alone. Said guy is also shirtless and you're cleaning his body.

You try to hold in your embarrassment but you're the same shade of pink that he is. Suddenly the air is thick and the atmosphere is awkward.

Despite the awkwardness you continue on. You wipe off the small amount of blood, placing bandaids on the cuts.

When you finally finish you just stand there, staring at him, entranced in his beauty. He wasn't any better, staring into your eyes like he wasn't half naked on your bed.

"[Y/N]..." He mumbles just barely over a whisper.

"Yeah?" You reply almost just as quietly, waiting in anticipation for his next move.

Instead of saying anything he reaches up to grab the nape of your neck. You're startled but you don't make any moves to escape. You can feel his hands slightly shaking but despite that he continues on, slowly pulling you down to his level.

Finally you're forehead to forehead, staring into one another's eyes. You feel his warm breath against your lips and you're paralyzed.

"Sorry." He mumbles before he pulls away, catching his breath. You look at him confused, no way he just did that to you.

Without thinking you grab the side of his face and pull him in for a slightly aggressive kiss. Immediately he responds, pulling you in further to deepen the kiss.

When the two of you pull away you're gasping for air. Half from your anxiety and half from the lack of oxygen.

"You dummy, you can't just lead me on like that and the pull away." You say chuckling, leaning you're forehead against his.

word count: 1049
(i did not proof read this 😙)

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