Martin Odegaard

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prompt 95 with ødegaard - being on the arsenal women's team and being friends with him and one day you realise he's been flirty all along
"Are you flirting with me?"
Martin Odegaard

Word Count: 325

You and Martin had known each other for ages, you had been friends with him as soon as you stepped in the arsenal training ground.

"Fancy seeing you here?" you heard as you turned the corner, heading off to the changing room.

"Huh? talking to me?" you span around to see Martin walking down the corridor.

"No talking to my imaginary friend, who else is here "he smirked as he joked with you.

"Ha- hilarious. I am so glad you became the joker over the summer" you smirked.

"Oh so funny" he laughed as he walked off, shoving past your arm.
The next few days you could feel that there was something between the two of you, every time you saw him you felt butterflies in the pit of your stomach.

"Somebody has a big smile on their face today" you smirked as you walked past Martin in the corridor yet again.

"I feel like we keep bumping into each other, think we need to stop meeting like this" Martin muttered as he grabbed the crook of your elbow.

"Oh do you think so?" you whispered, nervously looking around to see if someone was coming as you heard a door slam.

"Come on, don't be so nervous. There is nothing wrong with two friends being together" Martin laughed gently.

"Are you flirting with me?" you mumbled as you felt Martin pushing you closer together.

"Maybe, you are easy to flirt with I suppose" Martin laughed.

"That sounds perfect, I do like it though" you teased him.

"Aww okay, maybe do it somewhere more private. I don't really want the lads to be discussing us in the changing room to be honest" Martin laughed as you nodded.

"Look I better go, need to head back. I don't want to be told off and suppose you don't need to be in trouble either" you gently kissed his cheek as you left him in the corridor waiting. 

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