Julian Alvarez

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also something with julian, maybe surprising him at a game?😝

Word Count:340

As you were flying from Spain to Manchester from time to time, you were unable to see Julian as much as you had hoped.

Life was hectic with work and still studying for your degree.

FaceTime just wasn't enough and missed seeing Julian so much, so you decided to spontaneously get onto a flight to Manchester and somehow surprise him at a game.

You had an idea that you just had to call the club, they knew you quite well and knew that they could help you to get a ticket to surprise Julian.

You made your way to the Ethiad, feeling kind of sneaky as he had no clue you were going to be there which made it feel even better knowing that Julian was going to be so happy.

Julian was on the bench in the game against Everton, With Everton winning 2-0, you were so happy that city and Julian got the win that they deserved.

Once the final whistle blew, you headed down to the tunnel to go and meet him. As Julian walked past you, he noticed you standing there and had the most confused look on his face as he had no idea what was happening.

"What the fuck are you doi-" you cut him off with a big kiss.

"Surprise" you whispered as you gave him the biggest cuddle.

"Yes go on Ju" you heard as one of the boys shouted as you pulled yourself away from him.

"I can't believe you are here, aren't you going to be missing your exams and stuff" Julian asked as you took your hand into his.

"No course not, I am on a break for a few weeks and am here until next week. If that is okay and haven't missed me too much" you laughed as Julian gave you a smile.

"That is great, I have missed you being at home. Come on, let me get my stuff and we can go home" he smiled as you waited outside for him to get his bags. 

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