Son Heung Min

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I would like to request a what dating Sonny would include, thank you in advancee requested by anonymous

Having the cutest date nights where he plans them in advance
Always being so caring
Surprising you with so  many presents, the occasional flowers from time to time always made you smile.
Whenever he was away playing you missed him incredibly but he would always FaceTime whenever he had the time
The best hugs
Complimenting you whenever you felt down or rubbish within yourself
Sending the fluffiest texts he could possibly send
You give him the best cuddles ever
Cheering him up after he had a bad game
Wearing his football shirt to bed
Always wanting to hold each other's hand
Telling you he wants children one day
Being the best boyfriend you could ever ask for
Always being super caring when it was your time of the month and he'd always buy chocolate and get you a heating pad
Having cute coffee dates
Having lazy naps on the sofa after training
Playing with your hair

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