Ben Chilwell

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request: For blurb night, please could you write one about comforting Chilly because he feels really nervous about the final tomorrow ? xx


"I'm nervous, what if I do shit?" Ben blurted out as you were saying goodbye to him before he headed to Wembley.

"You won't stop thinking like that, if you have that mindset before the game it will be stuck in your head. Stop it Benj" you whispered as you squeezed his leg as you tried your best to reassure him.

"Thank you for being the best girlfriend ever, I will hopefully make you proud" you turned to smile at him as you pulled the car over as you dropped him off.

"Aww that is fine, good luck baby. I will see you later and stop those nerves because they aren't going to do you any good okay?" you squeezed his hand tightly as you leaned in and gave him a kiss.

"love you" he shouts as he jumps out the car before turning back round and waving whilst blowing you a kiss.

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