Rasmus Hojlund

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request: For the blurb evening, Rasmus where you introduce him to your family who are huge City fans👀?


"Wait so you are only just telling me that you fans are city fans" Rasmus asked as you could see the fear in his eyes.

"Sorry, just you know slipped my mind" you shrugged as you drove to your family home.

"Hmm yeah funny what has slipped your mind these days isn't it" you smirked.

You put the key in the door and headed inside to see your family.

"Hi mum" you hugged her as you greeted her.

"Meet my boyfriend, Rasmus" you smiled as they all smiled straight at him.

"Ahh so when my daughter told me that she was dating a Manchester united player I was shocked because I instantly assumed she was lying but clearly not" your father laughed.

"Aww Dad, don't be mean." you laughed as you could see Rasmus was feeling slightly nervous.

"Oh don't worry son, I am only messing with you. I can only hope that you make my daughter happy because seeing you score against city isn't something that I want to see" your dad teased him once again.

"Ah no I am sadly injured for that game, but I will keep that in mind" Rasmus smirks as the rest of the evening goes brilliantly.

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