Pierre Emile Hojbjerg

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Valentine's Day Prompts
Omg super cute prompts for valentines day. Can I please have prompt 25 with Hojbjerg 😍 

Staying in and having a lazy day because that's what they enjoy most used from this list

 Word Count: 287

You and Pierre were getting ready for the day, Pierre hadn't got training today and all you wanted to do was have a chilled one. Despite it being Valentine's Day, you had no plans made which was always the best way.

"Do you just want to spend all day laying on the sofa?" he asked as that was where you were already laying.

"Sure" you smiled up at Pierre as you sipped on your drink

All you wanted to do was just snuggle up with Pierre and have lots of yummy food this Valentine's day.

"You up for watching the champions league games tonight too?" Pierre asked you as he sat down beside you as you laid your head on his chest, snuggling into it as he gently stroked your hair.

"Yes of course, what shall we get for food?" you asked him as you felt your stomach rumbling.

"Sounds perfect, I'll order us something and we can just chill for the rest of the evening. I don't feel like doing much else. Just a lazy day with you is what I needed more than anything" Pierre grinned as he scrolled on his phone as he looked through to see what food he could order.

"Wait, I didn't even give you your valentine's presents did I" he laughed as he quickly jumped off of the sofa and ran to grab the presents.

"Oh that is okay, thank you though. You didn't need to get me anything" you smiled as he passed you over a few gifts.

 "Why wouldn't I get you anything, silly? course I am" you ripped open the presents excitedly.

The rest of the day was just spent on the sofa, your perfect Valentine's Day. 

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