Nicola Zalewski

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request: Nicola Zalewski
A misunderstanding leads to him catching reader in a compromising position with pedri but end of story they sort things out

Things were happening too fast, you and Nicola had been fighting and just not going well.

Once you told him you were going on a break, you knew things weren't going to plan. You booked a hotel for some break and time away just to clear your head.

Whilst you were downstairs in the hotel bar, you had met someone.

Obviously with only being on a break from Nicola, your mind was still absolutely racing and not in the right frame of mind.

But drinks were flowing which wasn't like you when you barely drank much.

"want to come back to mine?" you whispered as you grabbed his hand and couldn't get in the lift fast enough.

Your hands were all over this man, you recognised him but all he said was his name was Pedri and you just nodded. Not really paying much attention, just all you could think of was how hot he was and how you needed to get into bed with him.

As soon as you got into your hotel room, clothes were flung onto the floor and looked as if you hadn't had sex in about 3 years the way you were acting.

As soon as you turned over, you noticed a figure standing in the shadow.

"SHIT" you jumped as you covered your naked body with the blanket as you adjusted your eyes and realised who was standing there.

"So this is where I find you, not even been dumped and I find you having sex with someone else" Nicola muttered as Pedri jumped up out of bed and couldn't escape from the room quick enough.

"I I, sorry" you whispered as you scrambled to find your underwear.

"You're not sorry are you? you wanted to do this. I don't believe you, I can't believe you would even do this to me. I love you, yes things have been tough but I don't deserve to be treated like this" Nicola whispered as you watched as a small tear fall down his face.

"I am sorry Nic, I love you and never ever meant to treat you like that. I know you'll never believe me but I am so sorry." you replied as you knew he wasn't going to say anything back and you were still half naked.

You watched as he walked out the hotel room as the door slammed shut, leaving you regretting every single thing.

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