Mason Mount

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Valentine's Day Prompt
Please could you do 7 with Mason Mount?
7. Recreating your first date
Mason Mount

Word Count: 345

For Valentine's Day you had the cutest idea, Mason had been feeling a little upset recently due to him not playing for so long and it had been getting him down.

You wanted to recreate your first date as a surprise.

Whilst he was out at one of his recovery sessions, you were getting the house ready so you could recreate your first ever date.

It was such a fun date and you absolutely loved it, cringe as it was. You knew he was the one the moment you saw him.

On your first date you went to Nandos, it wasn't anything exciting but nonetheless you still thought it was cute and he bought you a bouquet of roses which was adorable.

You knew you had to make it really cute for him, you knew exactly what time he was planning on coming in.

You made yourself look somewhat presentable as you headed to Nandos to go and pick up your takeaway as you ordered on the app.

You managed to remember everything that you ate that day, so it was easy for you to get before he arrived home.

"Mm it smells nice in here" you heard Mason announce as he had arrived home, slamming the door shut.

"Happy Valentine's day baby" you say with a cheesy grin on your face as you stand up and watched as he walks towards you.

"Thank you, happy valentine's day. What is all this here then?" he asked you as he looked at the table.

"I wanted to recreate our first date, remember you took me to Nandos and you bought me some flowers. Roses actually, so yeah. I hope you like it" you smiled, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"Oh babe, this is amazing. I love this, I feel so bad that I didn't do much for you sorry babe" Mason apologised.

"Hey it is okay, let's just have a good evening and enjoy ourselves" you grabbed his hand and gave it a quick squeeze as you made your way to the table before your food got cold.

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