Micky Van De Ven

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Baby Names

requests on tumblr are open! (same username) 

Waddling through to the living room to see Micky sprawled out on the sofa as he watched the football. "Hi" you mumbled as you walked over to him.

"You okay?" he asked as he moved his feet to make room for you to sit down beside him.

"Tired, feeling a bit urgh" you flopped down beside him as he gently rubbed your bump.

"Aw sorry babe, what is that?" he asked as you cuddled up to him as you passed him the book you had in your hand.

"Just a baby name book I ordered on Amazon, I was looking at all the names and just wanted to keep some in mind" you smiled as you sat and flicked through the book.

"What about Paris or Milan for a little girl?" Micky asked.

"No babe, they make me think of people I went to school with and everyone took the piss out of her because jokingly saying that's where they conceived the baby" you let out a laugh as Micky stared straight at you.

"Is that real?" he laughs.

"Well that was always the joke Mick, but I wouldn't want to name them something like that. It's a sweet name, but maybe for a dog or something" you shrugged, dismissing his idea.

"I feel like this whole baby naming thing is going to be hard, because we aren't going to agree on any yet. We also don't know what we are having yet" he remarked.

"It will be hard, but I reckon once we see the baby we will fully know and agree on it. Do you want to find out what we are having?" you asked him, you hadn't properly discussed whether you even wanted to know yet.

"I would like to know, like it be cute or maybe we do a gender reveal party? not sure if that is your thing but you do deserve all of the love" Micky grabbed your hand and gently rubbed it.

"Oh really, you are sweet. Yes this sounds perfect, we can find out at our next scan which isn't too far away" you cuddled Micky tightly as he wrapped his arms around you as he gently placed a kiss on the top of your head. 

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