Kylian Mbappe | Part One

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Twins Part One 

The work day had flown by, you were finishing early as you were heading to the PSG game. You could barely keep your eyes open you were that tired, it was like you needed a 12 hour nap.

Getting home and stuffing your face with a bit to eat before you needed to head back out yet again. Changing into suitable clothes for the game as you rushed straight out again.

"Hello" you waved your pass to the front of the stadium staff as you made your way to the stand.

The overwhelming feeling of feeling absolutely exhausted was still there, you could barely keep your eyes open but you didn't want to disappoint Kylian and not turn up to his game.

The game ended in a 3-0 victory for PSG, Kylian having an amazing game as usual.

"Hey love" Kylian face lit up as he saw you walking over to him.

"Hello KyKy, you had a great game" you smiled as you embraced him in a cuddle.

"Thank you angel, let's get home. You want food?" he asked as he took your hand in his.

"I am not hungry, I haven't felt hungry all day" you shrugged.

"That isn't like you babe, is everything okay?" he asked as you made your way to the car.

"I don't know, I haven't felt right all day. I have felt so exhausted all day and it's just strange. I don't know why, maybe I have been over doing it or something" you told him as you sat in the car and drove home.
The past few days you were feeling the same, you noticed your stomach start to cramp up a little bit assuming your period was on it's way.

You checked your phone to see what the time was when you saw a notification pop up saying period 6 days late.

"Fuck" you blurted out loud, forgetting that Kylian was fast asleep beside you as you turned to see if you'd woken him up and you did as you watched as his eyes slowly open as he put his hand around your waist as you were sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You okay?" he muttered sleepily.

"I have some pain, I am late too" you turned to face him.

"What is your period?" he questioned as you simply nodded at him.

"Do you think you're pregnant?" he asked as you nodded.

"I will go and grab a test, hoping I don't see anyone" you got up slowly as you felt the room was spinning.

"Go back to sleep Ky, I'll be back soon" you whispered as you chucked on some fresh pair of clothes on as you headed out to the local pharmacy.

Not entirely sure what one to pick, you seem to have two in your hand as you paid at the till and practically ran to the car, with all the emotions flowing that you were about to take a pregnancy test.

"Got it" you shouted as you walked through the house as Kylian was in the kitchen making himself some food.

"Want to go take it?" he asked as he followed behind you as you made your way to the bathroom.

"I'm so scared" you mumbled as you opened the wrapper of the test as you read the instructions.

"You stand outside, you are not watching me have a wee Ky" you laughed, through the nerves as you practically pushed him out of the bathroom as you did your business.

"Is it done?" Kylian asked as you pushed the door open for him to come in as he stood patiently staring at the test.

"Oh my god" you whispered as you watched as the test appeared with the words Pregnant 2 weeks.

"I I- we are having a baby" you burst out crying.

"Oh darling, come here" he held you tightly in his arms as you sobbed on his sleeve.

"Hey it is okay darling, congratulations to us" Kylian pulled you as he gently wiped the tears away from your face.

"Thank you, we haven't spoken about having a baby though. You're not mad though are you?" you asked as you took another look at the test.

"No no baby, why would I be mad? I am so happy, please don't feel sad this is supposed to be a happy time with us having a baby" he put his hands on your stomach as you looked down, placing your hand on top of his.

"I don't know how to feel, I am scared. My belly is doing somersaults knowing that there is a baby in here" you whispered as you held him tightly as you could.

Knowing that you were excited for your next journey to begin.

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