Darwin Nunez

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ou! can I request something with darwin nuñez, comforting him after he receives hate? 

Word Count: 271

"What's wrong?" you asked as you walked into the living room to see Darwin looking upset and just not himself. "Darwin" you whispered as you sat down beside him as he barely lifted his head.

"Are you okay? Has something happened?" you asked him as you pulled his hand into your lap as you gently squeezed it.

"I- I am okay" he stuttered as you could see he clearly wasn't okay.

"No babe, you aren't. Please don't lie" you muttered.

"I'm sorry, I had some awful messages and they have really upset me" he whispered as he pulled his phone out of his back pocket.

"Oh Dar, I am so sorry that it is happening. Please don't read them and don't show me because I do not want to see them as they will only upset me. Don't let them get to you, they are pathetic and nothing to you" you tried your best to reassure him but you knew you were doing an awful job.

"Sorry for being so silly, I didn't mean too" he smiled as you grabbed your hand.

"Don't you ever apologise, you aren't silly. You can have feelings Darwin, you are allowed to let these things upset you. Of course it would upset any human seeing such negativity online. It is okay" you put your hand on his knee as you tightly squeezed it.

"Thank you, I think I'll turn my phone off for the evening. I don't need them getting me down anymore. You always say the right stuff, that is why I love you" Darwin grinned as he placed a kiss on your cheek.

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