Kylian Mbappe

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25 Days Of Christmas
4. Baby's first Christmas
Kylian Mbappe

Word Count: 410

You and Kylian were getting ready for your first Christmas with your little boy Alexandre.

He didn't really understand it, but you just couldn't wait to create memories with your little boy with Kylian.

"Are you okay with it being just us?" you nervously asked Kylian as he was packing his bag.

"Yes of course, why wouldn't I be" he asked you as you sat on the bed watching him.

"Just thought you'd want to be with your family, I know you have us now. But it is okay to want to see them too, I really don't mind" you asked Kylian who wasn't really saying much or changing his facial expression.

"No I have no problem with it being just us, I can't wait for our first Christmas with Alex. It will be perfect" you smiled as you finished packing.

"I am glad, I can't wait either" Kylian whispered smiling away as he put his son on his shoulder as he cuddled him gently.
The journey to the cabin was perfect, Alexandre was so quiet the whole way which was amazing in itself.

"We are here, ready to spend Christmas here" he smiled as he got Alexandre out of his car seat as you pulled the cases along to get into the cabin.

"This looks so cute, oh look at the tree. This feels so special being here with my favourite boys" you felt yourself getting emotional again.

"Oh babe, why are you crying for? Those hormones are making you crazy" he smirked as he wiped your face.

"Sorry, I love you both and this time will be magical" you grinned as you walked around the house as you showed Alex around.

"It is so pretty here, I really love it here already" you sat down as Alex was needing a feed now.

"I got you an early Christmas present" you looked as Kylian handed you a small bag.

"Open it" Kylian grinned, standing opposite you as he watched you open it up which revealed a small box, as you opened it it revealed a small necklace.

"Oh Ky, this is so pretty. Look it has Alex's name on and the date of birth. This is so beautiful, you didn't need to get me anything" you whispered as you cuddled him tightly.

"I did, you did so amazing I love it so much. Thank you so much Ky. This is all that I need" you cuddled him tightly again.

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