Ruben Dias

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25 Days Of Christmas
Ruben Dias
I had no request for this, so I had the idea for it x

Word Count: 302

"Why did you get this fucking thing? I can't stand it's face" you turned round on youroffice chair, ready to shout at Ruben when you saw what he had in his left hand.

"Thank god you were talking about the elf, for a second I was convinced you were talking about me. I was gonna say, you can fuck off out the house with that language" you smirked as he smirked.

"Sorry no, not you. This elf, why did we ever ever decide this was something to do. I am so god damn bored of doing it and it's only been a few days" Ruben huffed loudly, making a point.

"Okay okay Ruben, I get it. I will do it tomorrow if you want me too" you looked straight at him as you put your pen down.

"Thanks, otherwise the elf won't be on a shelf anymore" Ruben smirked.

"You are just a miserable guts" you teased Ruben as he flung the elf down on the side.

"Are you ready to see your daughter looking all sad when you haven't set it up before you head off for the football?" you teased him, knowing full well he hated seeing his daughter upset.

"Well now you have said that, I don't want to. But that elf infuriates me so much, so you will have to do it for the next few days" you rolled your eyes as Ruben placed the elf on your table beside you.

"Urgh, good job I love you because I have no clue what I want to do with this elf tonight. I think he can have a fun night out in the kitchen for when she wakes up" you laughed.

"Good, the elf looks good on you" you teased.

"You're almost as annoying as the elf" he laughed.

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