Mason Mount

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request: telling mason his gonna be a dad

You and Mason had decided that you would talk about having kids after you were married, but a few days before the wedding you felt a little bit off.

There was something not right, your boobs were incredibly sore and felt uncomfortable.

You took a pregnancy test just to be sure that you weren't just over thinking it but when you saw the two lines appear you were in complete and utter shock.

You jumped out of your skin as you heard the front door open and Mason calling out.

"Hi- you okay? you look like you've just seen a ghost. What's up?" he asked as he noticed the pregnancy test on the side.

"What?" he glanced down at it and saw the two lines meant that you were pregnant.

"We are actually having a baby?" he looked nervous as you bit your lip not knowing how he was reacting.

"Yes? not mad are you?" you asked him.

"No baby, why would I be mad? I am incredibly happy, I can't believe we are having a baby and we are getting married in only a few days. This is the best news I could ever ask for, why would I be mad" Mason grabbed you and gave you the biggest hug.

"Oh good. I was scared that you would be mad, I am so happy but I was in the mood for a glass of champagne" you let out a nervous laugh.

"Of course you would say that, silly. I can't believe it. Baby Mount is coming" he gently rubbed your tummy.

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