Joao Felix

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25 Days Of Christmas
24. "What's your best ever Christmas present that you got as a child?"
Joao Felix

Word Count: 317

You and Joao were snuggling on the sofa together one evening, Christmas was approaching extremely fast.

Christmas was a special time for your families both to get together, but this Christmas was slightly different to normal.

It was just you and Joao, celebrating Christmas just the two of you for the first time in your relationship.

It did feel weird, not seeing your family but you were very excited for it being a cosy day with Joao.

As you were all laid on the sofa, your legs were stretched over Joao's legs as you were cuddled up watching some Christmas films.

"What's your best ever Christmas present that you got as a child?" you randomly blurted out as you were in the part of the film where the children were getting their Christmas presents sent out.

"Oh that is a bit of an out there question, let me think" he smiled as you could see his little brain wiring and he was thinking.

"I think a bike, I remember my mum and dad hiding this huge box in the living room when I walked down and they were trying their best to hide it. It was hilarious really, but oh boy I loved that bike so much. It's a shame I don't even ride one now, only time is those exercise bikes at training and shit" Joao laughed, reminiscing about one of his Christmas memories.

"What about you?" Joao asked as he turned to face you.

"I don't know, I just remember that I got a playhouse and I absolutely loved playing outside in it. I wish I could relive those special memories again" you sighed as Joao gently squeezed your arm.

"Aww darling. I totally understand. Let's try and make this a magical Christmas together" he smiled as you cuddled him, putting your head into his chest as you cuddled for the rest of the evening.

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