Mason Mount

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request: Mason joining his girlfriend on her baking channel


One of your favourite things to do was creating a baking YouTube channel, you were so happy with how the first year of your channel was going.

So when Mason wanted a guest appearance but you were quite shocked.

"Hi everyone, so as Easter is coming up we are baking easter treats. Today we have a special guest on the channel, everyone meet Mason" you smiled as he came into the camera and waved at the camera.

"If you have been following my channel for a while you will know my obsession with mini eggs is very real" you laughed as you threw all of the mini eggs onto the table.

"So what are we making today" he asked.

"We are making chocolate nests with mini eggs sitting in the nest as well as mini egg cookies. So what do you decide?" you asked Mason.

"I am so bad at baking, hopefully I don't mess this up for you" he started doing as he was told as you made him break up the chocolate ready for the nests.

"You'll be absolutely fine, these are going to taste so yummy" you cut all the mini eggs up and ready to put them into the nests.

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