Pierre Emile Hojbjerg

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Oo, it was so tough picking off that amazing list. I think it has to be prompt 21 with Hojbjerg, pretty, please. 💙
21. "you look so cute" "i'm literally in my pyjamas but okay"
Pierre Emile Hojbjerg

Word Count: 188

You were having a night in, chilling on the sofa.

You and Pierre had barely stayed together as he had been on pre season tour. But you were finally having some alone time laying on the sofa together.

"I'm just going to change" you smiled, pushing yourself off of the sofa away from Pierre as he barely raised an eyebrow as you walked off upstairs.

You come back down in a fresh new pair of silk pyjamas, your absolute favourites that you recently just purchased.

You'd already done your skincare so your skin was glowing right now.

"You look so cute" Pierre smiled as he raised his eyebrows and sits up in his seat.

"I'm literally in my pyjamas but okay" you laughed as you sat down.

"What can I not compliment my wife because she looks cute" you smiled at his response.

"Oh Pierre, so cute. Thank you, right shall just watch the rest of the film and then eat snacks?" you asked him as he nodded straight away.

"That sounds like an amazing idea" he grinned as you cuddled up to him as you laid together.

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