Chapter 2 - Spooky scary forest!

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She stops when she notices that the path they are taking leads to a dark and spooky forest. She grabs the map from Smg3's pocket then checks the map and confirms that's where they have to go through

Meggy: Well it looks like we need to go through this forest to continue.

Smg3 shakes a bit by looking at the spooky forest.

Smg3: Are you sure this is the right way? Looks a bit too spooky. Also I'm always cool! 

He chuckles for his last sentence as he checks the map by grabbing it from Meggy's hand. Meggy points on the map to where the path leads, showing him that they have to get to the other side of the forest to continue

Meggy: I'm pretty sure it's not as spooky as it looks.

Smg3: R-right let's keep going. 

Smg3 and Meggy enter the spooky forest with a lot of creepy noises and fog that we barely see anything. Meggy looked around a little nervously.

Meggy: You see, it's not that bad in here-

She says a little bit with a nervous laugh. He thinks of something to make it less spooky until he remembers something.

Smg3: Oh! I've got an idea! Smg4 told me that whenever you feel scared, just hum a song.

Meggy: Oh! That's a good idea Smg3! 

She starts to hum a song. He hums along as he tries to calm down his fears until a spider jumps on Smg3's face.



Meggy is startled by Smg3's scream. She looks over at him and sees the spider on his face. She slaps it off of him.

Meggy: Smg3 are you ok!?


Smg3 rubs his face to make sure there's no spider.

Meggy: It thankfully was only one spider, I'm sure that we wouldn't see any more... 

As she said that, she looks behind them to see that there are a ton of spiders running towards them. She grabs his arm and pulls him forward while starting to run

Meggy: We need to get out here! There are a ton of spiders coming towards us!!


Smg3 runs along with a panicked face while holding his hat for dear life until he sees a cave.

Smg3: Quick! Into the cave!

They both enter the cave.

Meggy: That was close, good idea to hide in this cave!

Smg3 tries to catch his breath from running.

Smg3: more spiders…

Meggy: Yeah we really don't need any more spiders. Now how are we going to continue?

She thinks for a minute and looks down into the cave and sees some light

Meggy: There might be an exit on the other side of this cave. It looks like there's light down there!

She points down to the cave. He notices the light at the end of it.

Smg3: Anything to get out of this spooky nonsense, I'm in! 

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