Chapter 12 - The ship has been sailed slowly~

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Everyone hops into the boat as Mario sails the boat like a pirate. Smg3 is thinking about what Meggy said with a nice breeze that hits them nicely.


Smg4: Yeah it's been a while since we didn't have an adventure together!

He smiles and enjoys the breeze. Meggy relaxes as she enjoys the breeze and scenery around them.

Meggy: It's nice to be on an adventure again with my three best friends!

Smg3: Wait, since when I'm your best friend?

Smg3 looks at her confused.

Mario: Mario is always Meggy's number one bestie!

Meggy looks at Smg3 with a confident smile.

Meggy: Yeah! We might not have been that close before this adventure but I really have enjoyed the time that we spent together these last couple days and I feel like we have become better friends!

Smg4: Aww look at you two getting along already~

Smg4 pinches Smg3's cheek to tease him while Smg3 blushes a bit from his touch. Smg3 slaps Smg4's hand off of his cheek.


Mario: That's pretty gay.

Mario is holding Eggdog like in the scene Titanic as the dog tries to catch the breeze with his mouth. She looks at Mario and laughs at his silliness. She looks out at the water and relaxes while occasionally keeping an eye on Mario making sure that he does nothing too crazy.

Meggy: Man, it's really relaxing here today!

She says while closing her eyes and enjoying the breeze.

Mario: It's so peaceful that imma go to sleep!

Mario lays down and places Eggdog on his belly, they both fall asleep quickly.

Smg3: Well at least I don't need to worry about him for a while.

Smg3 lays down as well and relaxes with the comfort of the breeze. Suddenly Smg4 takes his hat away from his head, he looks at him.

Smg3: Oi! Gimme back my hat idiot!

Smg4: Relax man, I didn't want you to lose your hat.

He places the hat on Smg3's belly. Smg4 does the same thing as he closes his eyes and relaxes. Smg3 looks confused then goes back to relaxing his mind. Meggy lays down and stares out at the water. She looks at the fish in the water. She keeps herself awake to keep an eye on the boat making sure that it doesn't crash. The boat sails into the direction of the treasure smoothly while the boys are relaxing and enjoying the peaceful day. Eggdog wakes up first then notices Meggy. The egg decides to join her company as he stares at the water trying to catch fishes. She sees Eggdog come up to her then starts to pet the eggo.

Meggy: Hey Eggdog, you have a good nap?

She says in a whisper so she doesn't wake the others. Eggdog looks at her with a big smile on his small face as he approaches Meggy and licks her face. Mario wakes up first then notices Meggy and Eggdog awake.

Mario: Are we there yet?

He notices the boys sleeping peacefully as he smirks wider.

Mario: Hey Meggy, can we, ya knoooow~

She looks over at Mario while still petting Eggdog.

Meggy: Mario I'm not quite sure what you mean but I have a bad feeling about what you're planning! You should probably not mess them up.

Mario: Aww come on! Just a small push for their relationship!

Mario pushes Smg4 a bit closer to Smg3.

Mario: Oopsie! The wind blew so hard that they're together! How cute!

Mario laughs until he notices they're done crossing the river. Meggy gets up then looks at Mario with a shake of her head. She gets out the boat and looks over at them.

Meggy: Alright guys we made it across the river!

Mario wakes the boys up by shaking their shoulders.


Mario dashes out the boat as he investigates the place while Eggdog follows along. The boys grumble from their sleep as they wake up until they notice they're very close. Meggy is waving at them.

Meggy: Hi guys! Do you have a good nap?

Smg3: Yeah but why am I so close to you?

Smg4: I don't know but we're here anyway.

The boys get up then get out of the boat as they look around at their surroundings. Mario and Eggdog roll around the grass.

Smg4: Mario! Get up! You'll get dirty after that!

Smg3: Yeah listen to your mother pfffft-

She smiles while watching Eggdog and Mario rolling around the grass and starts to giggle at Smg3's comment. She asks Three for the treasure map as he gladly takes it from his back pocket and gives it to her. She takes it and inspects the map.

Meggy: Alright it looks like we don't have that much farther to go. It should be over in that direction!

She says while pointing in the direction that the map says to go. Mario stops rolling and gets up with grass stuck in his overalls while Eggdog continues like a happy puppy. Smg4 sighs as he wipes out some grass on Mario.

Smg4: You never listen yet I'm not surprised.

Mario: Sowwie Mama Smg4!

Smg3 laughs then picks up Eggdog while the egg licks his face cutely.

Smg3: Alright enough rolling around, we are treasure hunting my boy!

She looked over at them confidently and excitedly.

Meggy: Alright guys let's go get that treasure!

She starts to walk in the direction they need to go.

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