Chapter 37 - Bonding between meme guardian and his avatar

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Smg4 sees a nice looking cabin that looks similar to the treehouse but winter style. Eggdog barks happily then runs towards the cabin. Mario sees the cabin then he runs over to it.

Mario: Mario is so happy! Mario can finally stop walking!

Meggy: It looks like we found a place to stay!

Smg3: Finally some inner peace.

Everyone enters the cabin and looks at their surroundings. It's a big place for a lot of people to stay. Smg4 lays Smg3 down on the couch then looks for the bedroom until he sees one and looks horrified.

Smg4: Uhhh guys? I hope you like sharing bed because there's one giant bed for us-

Meggy walks over to a chair then takes a seat and relaxes.

Meggy: Yeah that should be fine!

Mario looks around the cabin and then feels very hungry.

Mario: Mario is hungry! Smg3, could you make something for Mario to eat?

Smg3: Ugh fine. Help me up, would ya fatso?

Smg3 tries to get up on his own but couldn't for some reason. Smg4 keeps looking around the place and Eggdog sees Meggy as he jumps on her lap while demanding pets. Mario helps Smg3 up while Meggy pets Eggdog.

Meggy: Hey Smg3, there is some food in my bag over at the door if you're not able to find food here!

As Mario helps Smg3, he appreciates the help and nods to Meggy until suddenly Smg3 loses balance and falls on Mario with a "oof" sound. Smg3 says with a muffle.

Smg3: Can my day get any worse than that?

Smg4 hears noises from the living room as he checks it out and sees the scene. Smg4's eyes wide and looks shocked and turns mad.


Meggy gets up then gently sets Eggdog down and runs over to Smg3.

Mario: Mario did nothing! He fell on Mario!

Meggy: Yeah Mario was helping him up to go make food but he fell suddenly. Are you ok Smg3?

Smg3 lifts his head as he gets off of Mario and sits down on the floor.

Smg3: Yeah I'm fine, my body decided to fall on Mario and I'm surprised you are chill with that fatso.

Smg4 calms down and feels relieved that everything went okay. Eggdog checks on his owner while sniffing him.

Mario: Mario is more upset that Smg4 thinks that Mario is being bad..

Meggy: Do you need help getting back up Smg3?

Smg4 hears that from his best friend then feels bad about yelling at him for misunderstanding the situation. He kneels down on Mario's level and pats his shoulder.

Smg4: I'm sorry Mario for yelling at you. You didn't do anything bad.

Mario: It's okidoki! Mario feels better now!

Smg4 smiles at Mario when Smg3 looks at Meggy but then he feels weird and hot all of sudden.

Smg3: Ughh why do I feel like shit all of sudden? Am I sick or something?

Eggdog looks at Smg3 with a sad face then goes to his lap to comfort him. Mario looked over at Smg3 sadly.

Mario: Is Smg3 going to be okidoki?

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