Chapter 38 - Love is blessing~

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Smg4 closes the door behind Mario while holding Eggdog

Smg4: It's fine, say what do you want for breakfast? We can make a surprise for Smg3 and Meggy.

He places Eggdog down then puts dog food on Eggdog's bowl. Mario thinks for a minute.

Mario: Mario thinks we should make pancakes!

Smg4: The classic, I like it! Do you want to feed Smg3 again? He's still sick..

He laughs then goes to the kitchen and prepares the ingredients while Eggdog eats happily.

Mario: Yeah! Mario had so much fun feeding him! Mario is surprised that he was not so grumpy last night and he gave Mario a nickname! That made Mario so happy! Smg3 and Mario are becoming best friends!

Smg4 looks at Mario with a smile.

Smg4: He gave you a nickname beside fatso? That's an approval! Keep it up Mario! Why don't you check on him while I'm cooking?

He gives him a thumbs up and continues to cook.

Mario : Okie dokie!

Mario walks over to the bedroom to go see how Smg3 is doing. Smg3 coughs and blows his nose with the tissue then notices Mario enters the bedroom.

Smg3: Oh morning Mario...

His voice is getting weaker than last night as he keeps coughing while throwing used tissues in the bin. Mario looked at him concerned.

Mario: Good morning. You don't sound okie dokie. Mario is worried.

Meggy starts to wake up then she sits up and looks over at Mario and Smg3.

Meggy: Good morning! How are you feeling Smg3?

She says while yawning.

Smg3: I'm feeling worse than last night but I'm still breathing..

He chuckles then coughs again with pain in his throat.

Smg3: Oww but I slept well with Smg4...

He realized what he said with widened eyes.


Meggy looks over at him concerned.

Meggy: I wonder what happened to you to get so sick? I will go get Smg4 to know how you are doing and see if he can find you any more medicine for you. Mario keeps an eye on him!

She walks out of the room and into the kitchen.

Meggy: Good morning Smg4! Smg3 is sounding worse than last night. Do you have any more medicine for him?

Smg4: Morning Meggy! The medicine should be in the bathroom cabinet. Yeah he's losing his voice slowly because of a lot of coughing..poor honey...

Smg4 frowns while cooking. Eggdog notices Meggy's present and barks happily while running towards her. She sees Eggdog and gives him some pats.

Meggy: Good morning Eggdog! How are you?

She gets a glass of water then goes to the bathroom to get the medicine. She walks back to the bedroom and hands Smg3 a pill and the glass of water.

Meggy: Here you go Smg3!

Smg3: Thanks squid.

Meggy: You're welcome!

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