Chapter 31 - What the dog doing?

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The room seems to light up a bit as Eggdog wakes up first then watches everyone sleeping. The egg observes as he sees Mario snores like a trucker, Meggy sleeps peacefully and the meme guardians cuddle happily while sleeping like angels. Meggy wakes up a little bit later after Eggdog and yawns. She sees the pooch and whispers.

Meggy: Good morning boy! Sleep well?

Eggdog notices Meggy awake as he jumps on her bed and wiggles happily. He rolls over for a belly rub while looking happy with tongue sticking out. Meggy sees the egg laying in bed and giving him belly rubs.

Meggy: Hi baby! You're having a good morning aren't you?

She says in a cute high pitch voice while whispering. Eggdog enjoys every second of it while looking happy. Mario stops snoring and wakes up quickly as he looks at his surroundings.

Mario: What's going on here? Why is Mario here?

Mario sees Meggy and Eggdog then smiles.

Mario: Oh morning you two!

Meggy looks over at Mario while petting Eggdog.

Meggy: Good morning Mario! Sleep well too?

Mario: Mario slept like spaghetti!

Mario pets Eggdog then notices the cutest thing ever as he sees the meme guardians sleeping together while cuddling. Smg4 is sleeping on Smg3's chest while Smg3 drools and snores softly. Meggy looks over at what Mario is looking at then sees Smg3 and Smg4 cuddling. She whispers to Mario.

Meggy: They're so cute together aren't they?

Mario: Yeah they should have a baby together!

He whispers back as he giggles quietly while Eggdog looks at him confused saying "Bro I'm his son". She giggles quietly while petting the pooch.

Meggy: They already have a baby right here.-

Meggy whispers again and points to Eggdog.

Mario: OooooOOOh right. The best son ever!

Mario whispers back while petting Eggdog happily. The egg looks happy as he makes cute noises while enjoying pets.

Meggy :Yeah and he's the cutest little guy too aren't you Eggdog?

She whispers back in a cute high pitch voice as she keeps petting Eggdog more. Eggdog barks quietly while enjoying pets from Meggy and Mario.

Mario: Should we wake them up? They look too peaceful.-

Meggy: No, we should let them rest for a bit longer.-

Mario: For the first time ever, Smg4 doesn't have nightmares for a very long time other than yesterday. He always looks like a sleepless zombie with his videos and memes.

Mario whispers while smiling at his best friend Smg4.

Meggy: Yeah the last few days this is the most relaxed I have ever seen him! Really this is the most relaxed I have seen both of them!

Meggy whispers back while looking at the meme boys cuddling with a smile on her face.

Mario: it's all thanks to Smg3! Mario was glad they confessed their feelings at the beginning. Imagine if they didn't and they kept fighting during our adventure. That would be entertaining yet bad!

Mario thinks about the scene where the boys confessed their love to each other versus them fighting each other and not cooperating.

Meggy: I was a little worried that they would end up fighting. He was against it when I invited you two on our adventure back when we first saved him. I'm really glad that they confessed their feelings for each other! it happened a lot faster than i thought it would!

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