Chapter 57 - Sweet chaos!

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Mario looks at Four happily.

Mario: Thank you Mama4! Mario is so happy that you are no longer scared of Mario!

Mario then looks over at Three with a smug look.

Mario: Aww don't be jealous Papa3! Mario will give you a kiss too!

Mario walks over to Three and tries to give him a kiss on the forehead. Three looks scared as he takes a step back away from Mario with a disgusted look and feels ready to run away from his idiot avatar anytime.

Smg3: Don't come near me with your nasty spaghetti breath mouth you scrub!

Four giggles more while feeling better and less scared. He looks at Meggy with a smile.

Smg4: Do you want to drive again? If not, I can and you can take care of the kids.-

She giggles seeing Mario trying to kiss Three then looks over at Four.

Meggy: Yeah I'll keep driving, it should not be that much further anyway. Besides, you just work up from a nightmare so get some rest and spend some time with your kids.

She walks over to him and gives him a hug.

Meggy: I'm glad you're feeling better now Four!

She smiles at him then lets go of the hug and walks to the front of the RV to drive again. Meanwhile Mario starts to chase Three to give him a kiss.

Mario: Come on Papa3! Let Mario give you a kiss! Don't be scared of Mario too!


Three runs away from Mario and tries his best not to knock over stuff and trip into something in a small RV. Four watches Mario chasing Three with an amused smile then he picks up his three children and lays them on the bed. He lays down next to them, gets them comfortable on his chest and as soon as he wants to pull out his phone, his pockets are empty. He looks confused and checks every pocket while his children enjoy the embrace of their mama.

Smg4's mind: Where did I put my phone? Last time we were on the video call and I made out with Three...wait, did Mario or Meggy take my phone!? But why??

Meggy keeps driving but starts to have trouble reading the map due to how dark it has gotten. She goes to get her phone out to use the flashlight to help see the map better but is confused when she feels two phones in her pocket.

Meggy's mind: Wait, why do I have two phones in my pocket?

She remembers that she took Four's phone to end the call while the boys were making out.

Meggy's mind: Riiight I took it to say bye to everyone and to give the boys some privacy. I forgot that I still had it.

Meggy sees Mario chasing Three up to the front of the RV and is about to chase him to the back of the RV but she stops him by grabbing his arm. Mario looks at Meggy confused and frustrated.

Mario: Meggy what are you doing? Mario is busy trying to give Papa3 a kiss!

Meggy: I know but could you give Four his phone back when you get back of the RV please?

She hands him the phone and Mario takes it.

Mario: Okie dokie Mario will give Mama4 his phone back!

Mario continues to chase Papa3 with Four's phone in his hand. Meggy giggles then pulls out her phone and turns on the flashlight where she can see the map better. Mario keeps chasing until he reaches the back as he quickly goes over to Mama4 and tosses the phone next to him.

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