Chapter 17 - Snowtrapped situation

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She gives Eggdog a pat and gets up.

Meggy: Alright let's do this!

They walk back into the treehouse and see Smg3 and Smg4.

Meggy: Hey guys! Me and Mario secretly made you guys a special surprise in the room over there earlier today to celebrate your new relationship! We would really like it if you would go in there and see it tonight!

Smg4: Is that why you two act suspicious over that room?

Mario: Yis! We didn't want to tell you guys because we planned a surprise inside of that room!

Smg3 and Smg4 look at each other then back at them.

Smg3: I hope you guys are right, please enlighten us.

Meggy: Ok cover your eyes and we will guide you in! We want you both to see it at the same time. We'll tell you when you can look so no peeking!

Both boys cover their eyes with their hands as Meggy guides them to the room. Mario watches while picking up Eggdog with excitement. She opens the door while guiding them into the center of the room and makes her way back to the door while backing out to wave at Mario over.

Meggy: Alright you can look now!

Mario smirks as he closes the door quickly and places a chair to block the door.


They open their eyes as they look around their surroundings and blushes. The room is full of romantic stuff with a heart shaped bed, roses and chocolate. Smg4 notices the door closes and tries to open it but won't budge.


Smg3: Relax Four, you know they planned this all along sooo-

Smg3 looks inside the bathroom. Meggy goes and relaxes on the couch and looks at Mario.

Meggy: Well that went better than expected!

Mario does the same thing while Eggdog jumps on Meggy's lap.

Mario: Now they can make a baby. So proud of them!

She giggles at Mario's comment and starts petting Eggdog. Mario looks back at the close room then at Meggy.

Mario: Weird. It's too quiet, are they sleeping or something??

Mario gets up and presses his ear on the door. Meggy looks over at Mario.

Meggy: Do you hear anything?

Mario whispers.

Mario: Nothing at all. Hmmmmmmmmmm this ain't right!

Meggy: They might have fallen asleep or they're too shy to do anything but stare at each other.

She whispers back.

Mario: I'm going in with Mario style!

Mario whispers back as he takes the chair away and opens the door to peek slowly. Meggy keeps looking over at Mario while whispering.

Meggy: Do you see anything?

Mario gasps and looks at Meggy.

Mario: Come see this! It's adorable!

He whispers happily as he keeps peeking. Meggy quietly makes her way to the door and peeks in. While they're both peeking, inside the room there's Smg4 and Smg3 without their hats with matching pjs and watching some memes together on the phone while they're cuddling happily.

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