Chapter 19 - Damsel in distress~

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Mario: Mario is okidoki but can't find Smg4!!! Unless Smg3 feels tingling sensation-

Smg3: What?? Tingling sensation?? What the hell is that supposed to mean??

Mario: Your gay meme guardian sensation whenever you and Smg4 are separated!

Smg3: I don't know how that works!!

She looks over at Mario while shaking her head.

Meggy: Mario I don't think that's how that works-

Mario: Smg3! Think of your lovey dovey boyfriend now!

Smg3: Wait why?? I swear it's not gonna work! This is some-

Suddenly Smg3 feels something tingling as he looks shocked.

Smg3: Whoa dafuq!? I can feel him somehow...but how??

Mario: Meme guardian tingles hehehe

Meggy looked in shock and confusion at Smg3 then back at Mario.

Meggy: That worked?!! Can you tell where he is?

Smg3: Uhh right this way scrubs-

He walks while following the tingly sensation.

Mario: Mario is always right!

Mario follows Smg3 with a big smile on his face. Meggy follows them and looks at them with confusion as she's still trying to figure out how that worked.

Meggy: Mario, how did you know that would work?

Smg3: How did my own idiot avatar know this and I don't? I need some explanation.

Mario: Well remember that time you collaborated with Mr Yeast and he denied Smg4? After that, Smg4 felt sad and depressed. While you were streaming, you felt a tingle sensation aka the meme guardian tingles!

She still looks at Mario, still confused as ever.

Meggy: I still don't understand how that works but can't argue with the results. Let's go find Smg4!

Smg3: Me either but I do remember that day. I didn't know what it was but it's good to know that I have an useless power.

Smg3 says with a sarcastic tone until he hears Smg4's cry for help. He sees him being tied up by weird looking creatures as they're ready to cook him. Meggy sees Smg4 and the weird creatures. She looks over at Smg3 and Mario and whispers.

Meggy: Ok me and Mario will distract them and you go save Smg4. Eggdog goes with Smg3.

She pulls out her splattershot guns and hands one of her extra ones to Smg3.

Meggy: Take this just in case so you stay behind when we distract them.

Smg3: This is some déjà vu moment right now but let's save my idiot lover.

Smg3 smirks as he gladly takes the extra gun while holding Eggdog. He finds a way to sneak past the creature and waits for the distraction.

Meggy: Alright Mario you ready to cause a distraction? Just follow me!

She picks up a rock then runs in front of them and throws it at the creatures hitting one of them in the face.

Meggy: Hey you weird creeps! Let my friend go or you're going to get your butts kicked!

They start to chase after her then she runs from them while leading away from Smg4. Smg3 sees the distraction going on as he makes a move to get Smg4. Smg4 notices his lover and gasps until Smg3 shushes him and unties him. Smg4 hugs his boyfriend and Eggdog.

Smg3: Let's help them out shall we?

Smg3 whispers and Smg4 nods.The meme guardians find a good spot to attack as Smg3 shoots the creatures down. Meggy starts to fight the creatures after getting them away long enough for Smg3 to save Smg4. She sees the meme guardians helping her from a distance then she runs around the creatures shooting at them. Mario joins in with his unique attacks while the creatures are all knocked out. The lovers get up from their hiding spot while Eggdog checks to see if the creatures passed out.

Smg3: Nice work guys! Say Smg4 you really love to play damsel in distress don't ya?

Smg3 giggles until Smg4 ignores his comment and kisses Smg3'a face.

Smg4: Thank you! Thank you! Mwah mwah!~

Smg3 blushes heavily as he enjoys the kisses from his idiot boyfriend.

Smg3: I can get used to that~


Meggy runs over to Smg4.

Meggy: Are you ok? How did you end up tied up by those weird creatures?

Smg4 stops kissing Smg3 then looks at Meggy.

Smg4: They dragged me while I was knocked out from the fall. Also Mario I thought you are the one that ship us so why calling us gay when you support us??

Mario: Because you are my gay best friend!

Mario gives Smg4 a thumbs up while Smg4 looks unimpressed then looks back at Smg3 while giving him a cute smile.

Smg3: Glad you are safe princess, now let's find a place to stay before the giant bird attacks us again.

Smg4: Hey! I'm not a princess!

Meggy: Yeah we need to find somewhere safe to stay there's no telling what else is here.

She looks around until she sees a cave as she points to it.

Meggy: Well, I see a cave not far from here. We could stay unless someone sees something better.

Mario: Oooo it's Mario tunnel of DOOOM!

Smg3: We can check the cave if it's safe, if not, we're out of here.

Everybody enters the cave and looks around. Smg4 tries to calm down from the kidnapping. Mario looks amazed by the nature of the cave while Smg3 walks casually. Meggy looks around the cave not seeing that much.

Meggy: Well it seems to be safe so far. What do you think Smg3?

Smg3: It's safe but it's dark, cold and gross to look at. How the hell are we gonna survive here with nothing but rocks?

Smg4: Maybe it's better if we find the exit and find somewhere else?

Mario: Mario thinks this place is great!

Meggy thinks for a minute.

Meggy: Yeah you're right. There is nothing here that could be used for food. We could try to find a way back to the treehouse and make a plan to get around the bird there or see if there is a better shelter nearby. We will just have to be careful of that bird.

Smg3: Oh right, the motherfucker bird. I think it's better that we go back to the treehouse, stay the night again, come up with a plan to defeat the bird and then move forward. Sounds good?

Smg4: I'm down for it, I'm not ready to fight the bird anyway-

Mario: Don't be such a crybaby bitch Smg4! All four of us can defeat the giant bird together!

Smg3 tries not to laugh over Mario's comment about Smg4. She looks over at Mario smiling.

Meggy: You're right Mario but we need to come up with a plan first.

She looks over at the others with a determined look.

Meggy: Alright let's head back to the treehouse and come up with a plan to kick that bird's butt!

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