Chapter 15 - Summer love

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Everybody walks and enters the treehouse. It feels cozy yet inviting. Mario ran around and searched every single room. Smg4 admires the style while Smg3 and Eggdog look outside from the view. Meggy looks around the treehouse and admires how nice the treehouse is as well as the view outside.

Meggy: It's really nice here.

Smg3: We can stay here for tonight, let's see what kind of food they have.

Smg3 checks the fridge then the cabinets. Mario finds a love room with a shock on his face then closes the door.

Meggy: Good idea Smg3! This would be a great place to stay for the night.

She starts to relax in chair and then looks over at Mario as he's closing the door to the room he found and notices his shocked face.

Meggy : Hey Red what did you find?

Mario looks at Meggy with a smirk, he whispers something into her ear.

Mario: Mario found the love room.

Mario chuckles then looks at the new lovers. She looks at Mario for a bit in shock then giggles and whispers back.

Meggy: So you found the room they will be staying the night in?

Mario: Mario think they'll love it!~

Mario giggles as the meme guardians decide what to cook for supper time. She giggles and looks over at the two boys.

Meggy: So did you guys find anything good to eat here?

Smg3: Well so far I can make some nice burrito with Smg3's style on it.

Smg3 smirks then Smg4 notices a door close from a specific room.

Meggy: Nice! Burritos sound good!

She relaxes and looks out the window at the beauty of the fairy forest outside.

Smg4: Why is that room close? Mario, are you hiding something from us again?

Mario: NO! This room is for later!!

Smg4 looks at him with suspension as Mario looks nervous. Meggy looks over at Mario as she sees he looks nervous and then looks over at Smg4 seeing his suspension.

Meggy: I wouldn't worry too much about it Smg4. What would he even be hiding anyway?

She continues to relax on the chair and looks out the window.

Meggy: Have you looked out at the fairy forest yet Smg4? It's a really beautiful view from up here!

Smg4 looks outside just like Meggy told him while Smg3 starts cooking when Mario is in his way.

Smg3: Mario! Get out of the kitchen! I need to cook!

Mario: Mario wants to help!

Smg3: No! Go hang out with Meggy!

Meggy: Mario let Smg3 cook in peace please. Come out here and hang out with me and Smg4!

She looks over at Smg4 looking outside.

Meggy: It's a really beautiful view isn't it?

Smg4: Honesty, you ain't wrong! It's actually beautiful! Come on Eggdog, let's play outside while supper is in the way!

Smg4 opens the balcony door as Eggdog barks happily and steps outside to play. Smg4 joins in and smiles happily.

Mario: Mario wants to play too! Come on Meggy!

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