Chapter 26 - Teacher's pet

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It's a cloudy day as it looks like it's about to rain. Mario wakes up first then goes to the living room to sit down on the couch and watches TV while waiting for others to wake up. Meggy gets up and stretches while walking to the living room and sees his best friend. She waves at him and takes a seat to relax while waiting on the others.

Meggy: Good morning Mario, sleep well?

Mario waves back and smiles at Meggy.

Mario: Morning Meggy! Mario slept like a baby! What about you?

Meggy: Yeah, I slept well. I was surprised to see you and Smg4 went to bed before me and Smg3 got back last night.-

Mario: Oh Smg4 was exhausted so he went to bed and Mario took care of Eggdog! What did you find with Smg3?

Meggy: We found the shooting star from last night! Smg3 picked it up and made a wish! Then the shooting star shot back into the sky after he made his wish! It was really amazing!

She says with excitement.

Mario: Mario bet he wished for power to conquer the world like Smg4 said last night. Which means we're DOOM!

Mario realized what he said as he started panicking as he looked at the boys room. Meggy looks over at Mario and chuckles.

Meggy: I wouldn't worry about it. I didn't ask him what he wished for but something tells me he wished for something else!

Mario: You didn't ask about his wish!? Meggy, what if Smg3 is gonna kill us with his new power!?

Mario gets up and barges the door from the boys room. Mario screams in panic as the boys and Eggdog wake up and jump from sudden loud noises from Mario.

Smg4: Ugh morning Mario...


Meggy runs after Mario and starts to drag him out of their room.

Meggy: Morning guys, sorry about this. Don't worry about Mario, I will handle this.

She says with embarrassment then whispers to Mario.

Meggy: Can I talk to you outside please?

The boys look so confused yet so tired to argue as they decide to go back to sleep. Eggdog jumps off the bed and joins Meggy with a happy smile while Mario is pleading with Meggy to let him go.


Meggy drags him outside to the balcony. She puts one hand on his shoulder and tries to calm him down.

Meggy: Mario, you're not gonna die. I trust Smg3, he wouldn't do that. I wouldn't let that happen. But I'm confident that he didn't wish for the power to conquer the world, I'm pretty sure that his wish involved his relationship with Smg4. Just trust me Mario, everything will be fine!

Eggdog runs around outside happily while Mario listens to what Meggy said. The red boy sighs as he calms down a bit and looks at Meggy.

Mario: Mario was worried but now that you said that, Smg3 is becoming a softie with Smg4.

Mario laughs about the meme guardians' gayness. Meggy giggles along.

Meggy: Yeah, he has become less grumpy lately.

Mario: Less grumpy? Smg3 still hates me so he's always angry at Mario.

Mario thinks of something when Eggdog comes back with a stick on his mouth as he wants to play.

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