Donnie Pov 2

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Donnie pov:

We reached the lair. Finally, I could get y/n to my lab and make sure she has everything she needs to recover. A recovery which I'm guessing will take some time...

I make Raph carefully carry her to my lab and place her on a desk from which I threw all the stuff to the floor. Maybe I should tidy up my space. And also make a bed for y/n because a hard surface isn't the best for a mangled body. I'm mean thankfully her body wasn't mangled but it sounded cool.

First things first: check for external wounds.

"I'm really sorry I have to do this to you y/n but I have to cut your clothes. I'll buy you new ones, I promise" I told her even though she couldn't hear me.

I grabbed a pair of scissors and begun cutting. I cut the sleeves of her shirt and most of her pants off. Obviously not more than that cause that's awkward and disrespectful I guess bc I'm not a doctor.

She had a huge bruise on her stomach from big mama's kick. Which was bad because it suggested there might be internal bleeding. And I am NOT capable of doing anything about that. I put some rubbing alcohol on the bruise so it would go away quicker.

(a/n: this life hack actually works! I use it all the time, learnt it from my grandma. It also takes the pain away partially. 5 minute crafts shaking in their diy boots rn)

I didn't sleep at all that night. Instead, I made an x ray machine to use on y/n.
Her left arm and two ribs were broken and her right ankle was fractured. Thank God it was just this. It could've been worse. It could've been her spine, her neck, her back. And fortunately, no internal bleeding.
I was extremely relieved to know her condition wasn't critical. I wrapped her arm and ankle with bandages, I didn't have casts and I couldn't make some either. I lifted her up and placed her on my bed. I then went to the kitchen and made myself some coffee. I messaged April.

Hey April, I want you to come to the lair first thing tomorrow. But before you do that, go by y/n's, get some clothes for her and tell her nanny that she'll be staying at your place for like a week. As sleepover or something. It's important. Thanks.

A/n: imma call the nanny "Sharon" cuz I recently read "the excorsist" and the nanny's name was Sharon.

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