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The rain was heavily pouring from the sky, each droplet that fell making a wonderful, crisp sound. It muffled all other city noises and though it annoyed most people, it was like a lullaby in the ears of y/n and Donnie who were still asleep in y/n's bed.

They were in such a deep slumber that not even the dinging of the countless notifications on their phone could wake them.

It had been 4 hours since Donnie had left the lair and the boys wanted to know were he was but he wasn't replying.

🟠"He's literally always glued to his phone, why isn't he replying?"

🟡"I guess he finally had enough of you guys"

🔴"Haha, so funny April. This is serious, do you see the weather?"

🔵"Relax big bro! He's probably just having way to much fun with y/n to care about us"

🔴"I believe we should still check if he's okay though"

🔵"What do you mean?"

🔴"We should go and look for him"

🟠"Yeah, he's probably at y/n's"

🟡"I don't think you guys should"

🔴"Why not?"

🟡"I just don't think you should. That's it"

🔵"Oh hoho, if April says no to something then there's definitely something going on. Alright boys, time to spy on Donnie. Raph, you drive and I'm in charge of the music"

Leo started heading to the garage and the others followed.

Soon, they were outside y/n's house.

🟠"Should we knock?"

🔵"And risk humans seeing us? No way."

🔴"Let's just use the fire escape"

Mikey and Leo nodded and all four of them - April went with them- quickly ran up the fire escape.

🟡"Guys I still don't think it's a good idea"

🔵"Welp, too late now, we're already here"

Mikey went inside first and let out a huge gasp.


🔵"What is i- oh"

🔴"Guys! Be quiet, we don't want humans to see u- WHAT?"

All the noise caused Donnie and y/n to wake up.

🟡"I told them they shouldn't have come" she sighed

🔵"You guys are together?"


Donnie rubbed his eyes, an annoyed expression on his face.

🟣"Why are you here?"

🔴"You weren't answering our calls or messages and we got worried"

🔵"The real question is what are YOU doing here" he smirked

(your mom. That's what he's doing here)

🟣"we were hanging out and fell asleep"


🟣"Because you're nosey and annoying"

⚪"What the hell is all this noise? Why are you all here?"

🟡"I really don't know girl"

🔴"We just wanted to make sure you guys were okay"


🟡"And now, we're LEAVING. Right guys?" she gave everyone a death stare.

They all started talking over each other while making their way out of the window. Before Mikey left, he turned around and mouthed "I'm proud of you" to Donnie.

⚪"I was having such a good dream :<"

🟣"What about?"


🟣"Uh huh. Do you wanna continue that movie?"


While Donnie was preparing the laptop, y/n checked a message April had sent her.

I'm sorry it's kinda blurry, I couldn't take a better one. It's still cute though :)

The message read.

It was a picture of Donnie and y/n sleeping. Donnie has his arms wrapped around y/n while her head was buried in his chest.

Y/n blushed and smiled at the picture.

🟣"Everything's ready"

Donnie said and they continued their movie.

A/n: Two chapters in one day (don't get used to it)

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