Another One (in DJ Khaled Voice)

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Thursday rolled around and it was 4:30. I was almost done getting ready. Donnie would be at my door soon.

The second it turned 5, he knocked.

⚪"So where are we going today?"

🟣"I don't know, wherever."

⚪"I thought you had a plan"

🟣"Yes. And that plan is to have a great time with you again, so it's in progress"

⚪"Awww, that's so sweet"


⚪"How about we go get some candy and stuff and sit somewhere? I don't really feel like walking today"

🟣"Sure. Speaking of, once you feel completely ready, my dad wants to start training you again"


We went to a nearby target. After Fooling around a bit, doing shopping kart races etc we got what we wanted and went to self-checkout. Once we did that, we were trying to find a place to sit when we saw a flyer for an outdoors cinema.

⚪"how about this? It would be fun!"

🟣"And it's going to be showing a horror movie, my favorite! I'm in"

⚪"It's kind of far from here though, how will we make it in time?"

🟣"Leave that to me"

He pressed a button on the backpack he was carrying and it turned into a jetpack!


🟣"Imoressive, I know. Not hang in tight" he put out his hand.

Once I took it he pulled me close to him and carried me bridal-style.

Damn. That was smooth af.


I nodded. We immediately started flying and 15 mins later we reached our destination.

⚪"That was amazing! I never thought I'd get to see NY from above!"

🟣"Well, not to brag, but every moment with me is an experience. Anyway let's find somewhere to sit, the movie's about to start."

⚪"Which movie is it again?"

🟣"(insert favorite horror movie name here), I think"

⚪"Oh cool!"

We sat down and began watching the movie. We also took out our snacks and began eating. A few moments later, Donnie noticed the candy necklace I was wearing.

🟣"Do you mind if I eat one of the candies on your necklace?"

⚪"Oh, not at all. Go ahead"

As I was about to take it off, he leaned closer to my neck and bit the necklace. I could feel his lips on my skin for a brief moment (he was in his human form)

I felt my face warm up.

Donnie had already taken a bite and was now watching the movie again. I just looked at him, my heart beating rapidly.

🟣"Is there something wrong?"

⚪"No, no. My.. My gaze just got stuck yk?"

🟣"Oh yeah, I dissociate too sometimes"

⚪"Yeah, haha...." *sips drink aggressively*

We continued watching, I was still pretty shocked and Donnie seemed very immersed in the movie.

After a while, I started feeling drowsy. I think I fell asleep. I mean, I must've because I woke up in the same bed as  when I had gotten hurt.

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