Part 25

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Peerage List:

Lucille - Queen
Kusara - Knight 1
Kara - Knight 2
Jade - Bishop 1
Irene - Bishop 2
Rose - Rook 1
Eva - Rook 2
Keith - Pawn 1
Grace - Pawn 2
Jada - Pawn 3
Ni/Li - Pawn 4/5
Amber - Pawn 6
Zoe - Pawn 7
Mina - Pawn 8

Your Weapons: Trinity and Frenzy


The aura grows stronger as the ground begins to shake, you have to plant your feet into the ground to keep your balance.

Kara: What is that???

(Y/N): I'm not sure, just hold on!

The aura begins to burst from the ground as a strong presence makes itself known.

??: You must be (Y/N)

(Y/N): and you are?

Osiris: I am Osiris, I realize you have been visited recently by someone... let's say I know.

*You think back to the guy with the sword, who left as quick as he came*

(Y/N): I think I know who you're talking about, why does it matter to you.

Osiris: He wasn't supposed to come here, and for that I owe you an apology.

*You feel a familiar presence behind you*

Anubis: Osiris? What are you doing here?

Osiris: Just here to personally give your friend here my deepest apologies, my... friend acted out of line and for that I apologize.

Anubis: That's all? You and me both know its never that simple.

Osiris: Well this time it is, have more faith in me Anubis. We are both gods after all, we must stick together in these trying times.

Anubis: Empty words, now leave our sight before I get you removed.

*Anubis starts to flash a bit of his power, the raw strength of it making some of your peerage on edge*

Osiris: Now now, there's no need for that.

*Osiris flashes his own power, matching Anubis*

(Y/N): Okay, that's enough.

*You stand between the 2 of them, staring down Osiris:

(Y/N): Thank you for your apology, but you can leave now. Me and my peerage here have a battle coming up and I'm sure some of them wouldn't mind a warm up.

Lucille: Would you like him removed?

(Y/N): Won't be needed, seems he'll see himself.

Osiris: This is not a nice way to treat a guest.

(Y/N): A guest wouldn't have a subordinate try to attack me.

*Osiris laughs*

Osiris: Very fair point, it's nice to talk to someone with some backbone around here.

*Irene walks up behind you, standing just behind you on your left*

Irene: *Whisper* He's giving me the creeps.

(Y/N): *Whisper* That I can agree on.

(Y/N): So Osiris, since you expected to be welcome with open arms, let's talk for a second. I have some questions.

Osiris: What shall those be?

(Y/N): What are you?

Osiris: I am lord of the underworld, technically I can be dead as well, but *Chuckles* that's quite a story.

*Anubis stands on edge behind you, you could tell him saying himself as lord of the underworld annoyed him slightly.

Anubis: I am the true lord of the underworld.

Osiris: I don't wanna have to put you in your place in front of your protégé, we will resume this another time.

Anubis: Yes we will.

(Y/N): I hear you're a fearsome fighter.

Osiris: I can hold my own, I hear you're not shabby yourself.

(Y/N): I try to do my peerage proud.

Osiris: A good king, now that I have answered your question though. I shall count us as even. I have one more warning for you though.

(Y/N): Yes?

Osiris: Me and Anubis aren't the only gods out there, and we're not just talking Egyptian.

(Y/N): How many are there?

Osiris: Countless, but many so are so minor it's not even worth remembering. But some are just big and famous enough to wanna try they're luck with you. 

(Y/N): Why me?

Osiris: Gods usually don't get along with gods, You're basically seen as Anubis now. One in the same if you will. They'll come one day, and they'll have help.

(Y/N): I see.

Osiris: Be ready (Y/N), It doesn't matter how strong you are if your alone.

*Lucille steps to your right*

Lucille: My king will never be alone.

*Osiris laughs again*

Osiris: That's good to hear, you have a good peerage around you.

(Y/N): I do, they mean a lot to me.

Osiris: Then that shall be all. It was nice meeting you (Y/N), I hope when we meet again it's on... better terms.

With that Osiris disappears as quickly as he came, leaving behind a confused/happy peerage and an on edge Anubis.

(Y/N): What was that?

Eve: Seems like he wanted to get a grasp of you, take your stature.

(Y/N): It's weird, but we shouldn't worry about it right now. Take it 1 step at a time with Rias.

 Kusara: A good plan.

Jada: Did he really come as a friend though?

(Y/N): We'll meet him again, and we'll see then. For now we have to get to the rating game.

Lucille: Where will we be fighting?

Anubis: We actually just got informed about it, I suspect that they told us as late as possible to avoid making any arena plans. They'll have the advantage there.

(Y/N): So where do we have to be?

Anubis: Kuoh Academy.


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