Part 19

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Peerage List:

Lucille - Queen
Kusara - Knight 1
Kara- Knight 2
Jade - Bishop 1
Irene: Bishop 2
Rose - Rook 1
Eva - Rook 2
Keith - Pawn 1
Grace - Pawn 2
Jada- Pawn 3
Ni/Li- Pawn 4/5
Amber- Pawn 6 *New*

Your Weapons: Trinity and Frenzy


Anubis: (Y/N), someone's at the barrier!

(Y/N): Wait what?

Anubis: There's a strong power source at the barrier!

(Y/N): Is it someone we know?

Anubis eyes glow gold for a second but quickly return to their original color. 

Anubis: I can't identify them.

(Y/N): Lucille!

Lucille stands up from the table you were all seated at, it was breakfast time for the group.

(Y/N): Can you go check this out, Eva please accompany her.

Lucille and Eva: Alright!

A couple of minutes go by as you try to figure out who it could be. Another great Satan, Rias again? Maybe Riser? As your deep in thought Lucille comes running in.

Lucille: its a girl, she demanded on seeing you and when we refused she started putting up a fight!

(Y/N): Where is she now?

Lucille: Eva has her constrained outside, should we bring her in?

(Y/N): Sure, just keep her constrained.

Lucille quickly returning with Eva, and a girl chained up.

???: Get this thing off of me!

Eva: Link chain remains until (Y/N) says so.

She stops freaking out when she sees you, the anger in her expression quickly leaving. All that anger quickly became excitement, it was really you.


(Y/N): Its... Um... nice to meet you too?

Your peerage was on guard, this girl could try anything. Why was she so excited to meet you?

Eva: Calm down guys, nothing can escape Link Chain. Let our king ask his questions.

Amber: Please remove the chain!

Eva: Not until (Y/N) says.

(Y/N): What do you want with me?

You crouch down, now on an eye to eye level with her. Your intimidation tactic seemed to work as she struggled to find words.

Amber: I-Um... Want to join your peerage?

(Y/N): Oh.

You stand back up, a confused look on your face.

(Y/N): Why?

Amber: I saw your strength in the fight vs Riser, you and your peerage were so strong. My old King didn't want to do anything except have sex. I want to become stronger!

(Y/N): So because you want to be strong, you want to join my peerage?

Amber: Yes!

(Y/N): Well, I usually recruit people to save them from hard times. This is definitely a nice change of pace.

She was dressed in a nice outfit, she also had gloves on that you could tell were a Sacred Gear. They radiated power as she looked comfortable with you. 

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