Part 18

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Peerage List:

Lucille - Queen
Kusara - Knight 1
Kara- Knight 2
Jade - Bishop 1
Irene: Bishop 2
Rose - Rook 1
Eva - Rook 2
Keith - Pawn 1
Grace - Pawn 2
Jada- Pawn 3
Ni/Li- Pawn 4/5

Your Weapons: Trinity and Frenzy


(Y/N): What?

Anubis: I'm not saying it again.

(Y/N): This has to be a joke Anubis.

Anubis: All I know is she is coming later today.

(Y/N): We'll talk about this later then, I need to talk to Ni and Li.

Anubis: I'll come and get you when she arrives.

(Y/N): Thank you.

You leave Anubis's room and walk down the hall, why does Serafall wanna talk to you again? Did something happen since the rating game?

(Y/N): I think this is Ni and Li's room.

You walk in and see a bunk bed on the side of the room, you could tell the twins had already made themselves at home. Although they could use some posters.

Ni and Li: Hello Master.

(Y/N): Hello, I came to check up on you guys, how are you settling in.

Ni: We are settling in great!

Li: We are already happier than when we were with Riser, thank you so much.

(Y/N): Good, if you need anything come get me.

Ni and Li: Thank you.

(Y/N): Seeya.

Ni and Li: Bye Master!

You close the door and begin to walk away

(Y/N): Why does everyone call me Master...?

You are snapped out of your thoughts as Lucille runs up to you, she seems stressed about something.

(Y/N): What's wrong.

Lucille: Nothing, I just have a question.

(Y/N): Hmm?

Lucille: Can we have a quick fight?

(Y/N): Sure, why not.

Lucille: Awesome~

You and Lucille head out to the back of the house, that huge training area has now become more personalized with everything that's happened. 2 of the earth golems stand off to the side. One was tryna get a butterfly to land on its hand. You walk to the other side of the field. Your peerage have walked out wondering what the commotion was about.

Keith: Would you like me to be the referee for this match

(Y/N): That would be great, thank you Keith.

Keith: No prob.

Kara: This should be good!

Kusara: It will be.

Your peerage take some seats away from the fight, some even began making bets on who they think would won. You summon Trinity, Lucille summons her Weapon. If it comes down to it you'll use both, but right now you wanna see how you'll fair with the one.

Keith: Lucille, you ready?

Lucille: Yes!

Keith: (Y/N), you ready?

(Y/N): Always!

Keith: Begin!

Lucille instantly goes on the offensive, you block her attack and kick her away. While you had the chance you slashed at her but she jumps over it, she attempts to bring her sword down on you but you roll out of the way. You charge once more at her as she does the same, you duck under her sword and slash at her back, your sword connects and leaves a cut across her back.

Lucille: Ow!

Lucille falls to the ground in pain, she began bleeding strongly as she falls to the ground. You cut her farther than you thought you did.

(Y/N): JADE!

Jade quickly runs over and summons her book, the green glow emits from it and starts going around the cut, in seconds the cut had almost disappeared.

(Y/N): Sorry about that Lucille.

Lucille: It's ok.

Keith: I think that's it for now!

Anubis at this time walks out to see what is happening, confused at what he is looking at.

Anubis: Everyone alright?

(Y/N): Yeah, just a sparring match!

Anubis: Alright, well Serafall is here to see you.

(Y/N): Oh yeah, that.

Lucille: Why is Serafall here?

Anubis walked over to her to whisper into her ear on what is happening, with every word you could tell she was getting more and more angrier.

Lucille: The nerve!

(Y/N): I'll be right back, feel free to spar everyone.

Kusara: Kara, can I have the honor

Kara: You may!

Kusara and Kara walk out to the field as you walk inside, everyone else sat off to the side again and began betting on who would win.

Anubis: Have fun! I'll watch over them.

(Y/N): I'll try.

You walk into the living room, Serafall was already seated. She had a strange outfit on, a big pink outfit with what looked like a magic wand in her hand?

(Y/N): Hello Serafall.

Serafall: it's great to see you again (Y/N)!

Before you can even react shes off the couch and in your face, arms and legs wrapping around you as she hugs you. You were so close you're noses were basically touching. You eventually manage to wrestle your arms free and set her down, but she kept her energy up anyway.

(Y/N): So, why have you come here?

Serafall: Anubis didn't tell you??

(Y/N): No?

Serafall: Oh, well I heard that you were single!

(Y/N): I am... why?

Serafall: So I ummm..

(Y/N): Mhm?

Serafall: I have feelings for you, will you consider at least going on a date me with, and then maybe... *She begins playing with her hair* become my boyfriend...

Those words quickly made you break out into a blush, you had little to no experience with this kind of thing and were torn on what you should do. On one hand you've never thought about this kinda thing before, but on the other hand a great satan just asked you out.

(Y/N): Can I-I get back to you on this, I'm not sure right now.

Serafall: Of course! You have 24 hours though.

(Y/N): Alright, I'll get Anubis to summon you when I've made my choice.

Serafall: See you then!

(Y/N): Bye Serafall.

Serafall teleports out as you sit down in a chair

(Y/N): What should I do...?


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