Part 34

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You opened the kitchen door as you were almost pushed inside by Rose, arm first you're dragged in there as your peerage was all gathered around doing miscellaneous tasks. You are quickly noticed though by a few of them.

Jade: (Y/N)!

You hear the clink of her spoon being dropped into her bowl of cereal as you are tackled by her, you braced yourself for the soreness but .... nothing? She nuzzled into your neck as her arms were wrapped around you, holding you as close as possible.

Jade: I knew you'd be fine, I had no doubts!

She giggled to herself as a few more members of your peerage made their way over to you, one of them got there way before the others though.

Lucille: No you don't!

You felt the warmth leave your torso as Jade is scooped off of you by Lucille and placed on the ground.

Jade: WHY?

Lucille: B-Because!

Jade: You just want him for yourself!

Jade pointed an accusatory finger at your queen as her face got tomato red.

Lucille: H-How dare you!

Jade: How dare you! Me and (Y/N) were having a moment.

The two began staring each other down, leaving your lap completely uncontested. Grace kicked one leg over you and sat down as she looked into your eyes, a foreign emotion on her face.

Grace: Hi (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hi Grace?

Grace: I've missed you.

You felt one hand go behind your head as she didn't break eye contact. She took your non reaction as a sign to continue as her face approached yours. 


Grace went flying off of you as Ni and Li stood there, fists smoking as Grace went flying into the wall. 

Ni: Don't do that to him!

Li: Taking advantage of him like that...

Grace: I was not!

Keith: I don't know Sis.

Grace: WHAT!

She dusted herself off and shot her brother a death glare as he backed away, he knew better.

(Y/N): GUYS!

You go to your feet and straightened out your clothing. Instantly your peerage stopped their bickering and paid attention.

(Y/N): I just woke up, can we do this another time.

Eva: Yeah Lucille.

Your queen shot the girl a death glare before she bowed to you.

Lucille: Sorry my King, it won't happen again

(Y/N): It's fine, I'm just ready to eat.

Keith: We prepared a lot of food, tuck in.

You made your way over to the table. It was a round circular table that managed to seat most of your peerage at a single time. As you took your seat a bit of a scuffle occurred foe the seats next to yours. Eva managing to win the one to your right as the previously quiet Kara manages to snag the other one. A content grin on both their faces as Keith serves you a plate.

Kara: Hey (Y/N)...

(Y/N): Hmm?

Kara: If you're struggling, I could feed you...

Mina: Uh-huh

Mina was sitting on the other side of Kara, the disapproval of her idea clear on her face as she stared down at the younger girl. 

(Y/N): I'm alright Kara, thank you.

You rub her head and began tucking into your meal again as Kara looked at you for a second. Content with the head rub she began back on her breakfast as well. Eventually Mina stopped her glaring and also began again on her meal. Small talk began at the table as it was just like any other morning again. Of course though, nothing could ever be normal. You heard the kitchen door swing open as Anubis made his way in. Following him was the blue haired girl who saved you.

Anubis: (Y/N), we need to talk.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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