Part 22

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Peerage List:

Lucille - Queen
Kusara - Knight 1
Kara - Knight 2
Jade - Bishop 1
Irene - Bishop 2
Rose - Rook 1
Eva - Rook 2
Keith - Pawn 1
Grace - Pawn 2
Jada - Pawn 3
Ni/Li - Pawn 4/5
Amber - Pawn 6
Zoe - Pawn 7
Mina - Pawn 8

Your Weapons: Trinity and Frenzy


(Y/N): We don't have to fight Vali, we're not enemies.

Vali: But wouldn't it be fun, the lion god vs the vanishing dragon. I'm sure you can hear the ring that has to it.

You summon yours swords as you look up at him, just what was he capable of.

(Y/N): I don't want this, but if I have too.

A tiny circle appeared next to his ear, he seemed focused for a second. But that quickly became a amused expression as the circle disappeared.

Vali: It seems I am needed, to another time Lion God.

And just like that he vanished, you looked at the spot where he was for a few seconds before turning to Rose.

(Y/N): Lets go.


You and Rose arrive to a party a little late.

Rose: I hope we aren't late.

Rose opens the door to see the party is at its peak, your entire peerage outside talking. The earth golems walking around with big smiles. Anubis sitting in his chair observing it all. Tables of food and drink everywhere. It was a lively party, and a nice breath of fresh air.

Keith: Where were you?

(Y/N): Me and Rose were dealing with something.

Kara runs up to you and wraps her arms around yours, looking up at with you nothing but care and admiration.

Kara: Are you alright?

Jade: Hey, he's fine!

Jade pulls Kara off of you as Rose glares at both of them.

(Y/N): Anyways guys, let's celebrate.

You and Rose join the party as everyone celebrates the Earth Golem's birthday.


You and a few of you're peerage members were cleaning up the aftermath of your party. The Earth golems had ran off to do.. whatever they did. One of them was still wearing a party

(Y/N): That was fun!

Anubis: It sure was.

He was levitating the remaining tables inside, everyone else was cleaning up the mess on the floor. Mostly just picking up confetti.

Rose: It's late at night, I'm gonna go to sleep.

Mina: I'm gonna go to sleep as well, thank you for the food, Keith.

Keith: It was nothing, good night, everyone!

(Y/N): Good night guys.

You arrive at your room, nothing but eerie silence as you're head hits the pillows. You quickly fall asleep


You stirred awake as you heard a faint noise. Almost like footsteps walking around you.

(Y/N): Something's wrong.

You get up from you're bed and summon Trinity, you sensed a strong aura somewhere around you.

(Y/N): Show yourself!

In seconds the aura grew stronger, stronger than you predicted.

(Y/N): Oh no.

A figure charges through the wall straight into you, sending you flying through several walls and landing outside.

(Y/N): Cheap shot.

You get to your feet quickly as you could feel your opponent outside with you, the darkness concealing him though. He was around you though, somewhere.

(Y/N): Maybe we should get some light in our arena.

You send small flames of fire around you, revealing the area around you and your opponent.

(Y/N): Who are you?

???: Are you (Y/N)

(Y/N): Say your name and stand down.

The noise of the encounter seemed to have a few of you're peerage up. They groggily get over to you as they prepare they're weapons.

Lucille: Don't worry.

Lucille charged at the mysterious figure along with Rose, he easily dodges both of them and kicks them both away.

(Y/N): Everyone back off, he's too strong for you.

???: Nice to meet you (Y/N).

The mysterious figure charges at you and quickly slashes at your head, you duck underneath and slash upwards, the blade connects with his chest sending him backwards.

(Y/N): Stand down.

The figure tries to stand up, stumbling a bit.

???: You pack quite the punch.

You walk towards the figure, the light slowly highlighting parts of his face.

(Y/N): Who are you?

The figure looks up at you and grabs his sword, you ready your sword as well.

(Y/N): Just stand down already, you've lost.

The figure grunts in pain and slides back down, he was beaten.

???: I'll be back.

He stabs his sword into the ground, and just like that he disappeared

(Y/N): What was that?

Anubis comes running outside, the noise of it all startling him awake.

Anubis: What happened?

(Y/N): A mysterious man appeared, attacked me in my sleep.

Anubis's normally blank face changing to a shocked one, how did someone get through the barrier?

(Y/N): We need to redo the barrier.

Anubis: What weapon did he wield?

(Y/N): A sword,why?

Anubis: How did he get through...


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