Part 32

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You fell to the ground in disbelief, you shakily looked around at the prying eyes. Lots of devils that were watching the rating game were in the room. Lots of judgmental looks as well at your current state, if only they knew what had happened. Would they have survived? You tried to speak but nothing came out, you were truly exhausted. How you were still running was the most magical thing in the room.

(Y/N): ...

Nothing, you reached your hand out to the stranger. She was all you had right now.

???: I know you're in pain, but I'm here. You're ok, I've alerted your friends and they're on their way right now.

You had so many questions, but your mouth refused to cooperate with your mind. All you could do was lean against her as she let you lay on her shoulder. She shot off looks to any devil who came to close, not allowing anyone near you. 

Random Devil: What a pitiful state, you would never see me like that.

Random Devil 2: You can say that aga-

The mysterious girl shot off a beam of water at them, drenching their fancy outfits. They both screamed and ran off to wherever in shame. She looked down at you with a content smile.

Eirene: I am Eirene, I am the daughter of Poseidon. I have so much I need to tell you (Y/N).

Tons of footsteps were heard outside of the room, the door slamming open as you saw everyone there. Your peerage, Anubis, and Serafall. They all looked at you with nothing but happiness.

Lucille: (Y/N)!

She ran ahead of everyone to get to you, you braced yourself for impact as she did her best to get to you first. Before she could make it though she was pushed out of the way by Serafall. Making a mad dash for you too.

Serafall: Darling!

She dove at you as you closed your eyes, this is how you died. But you felt nothing, no crushing pain. Slowly you opened your eyes as you see her flying mid-air. A water circle holding her mid air.

Eirene: He's injured! Show some thoughtfulness.

She let Serafall down as the girl realized what she had done.

Serafall: Oh... yeah.

She rubbed the back of her head with embarrassment, unable to make eye contact.

Serafall: I got caught up in the moment.

Eirene: I understand, but behave yourself.

Serafall looks down as Lucille regained her balance and made her way to you. She practically fell onto you as her arms slowly and gently snaked around your neck. Pulling you forward ever so slightly, she gave you the biggest hug she could. Days of pain poured into each other as your feelings almost connected. The gentle hug soon became rough as her sadness was replaced with anger

Lucille: Why does everything you do have to be worrying.

Her grip tightened, you weren't sure if this was a hug anymore or an assassination.

(Y/N): Please... stop

Eirene: Stop!

The water girl pushed Lucille off of you as you gasped for air.

Eirene: He. Is. Injured. What don't you people understand.

Her water covered you protectively, she got even closer to you as she started everyone down.

Lucille: Right. I'm sorry.

She stood next to Serafall, it looked like a mother scolding her children. In Seconds though your peerage was on you, a giant huddle as tons of questions were thrown at you. Anubis stood behind them all, a amused smile on his face.

(Y/N): Answer.. Later... need food.

Rose: Right! Let's get him home and get him some food.

Eva: Keith you feel up to cook?

Keith: I'll do my best for (Y/N)!

Lucille: What I like to hear.

Anubis: When everyone's ready I can teleport us.

He turned to look at the blue haired girl hugging you protectively, a strange looked passed his face but it quickly went away.

Anubis: We owe you, would you like to come with us.

Eirene: Of course, I need to talk to you as well.

Anubis: Let's get to it then.

After pulling the last few peerage members off of you, Eirene and Rose helped you to your feet. An arm going around each of them as they helped you stand. You took one last look around, there was no sign of either of the Gremory's anywhere. You'd have to ask later. All you could think of right now is food and sleep.

Rose: You ok (Y/N)?

You looked down at the girl holding you up, her eyes were puffy but she tried her best to hide it. How long had it been? No words came out as you simply nodded at the girl. A half smile on her face as she looked up at you.

Rose: It's so nice to... have you back!

Tears hit her eyes again as she broke out crying, hugging into you as Eirene gave her a glare from the other side. You moved your arm from around her neck to her back, rubbing it with care. You used any energy you had to mutter a few words.

(Y/N): Missed... You... Guys.


Quick Chapter, but here's the introduction of Eirene!

Excited to keep the story moving along! Thanks for all the support

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Excited to keep the story moving along! Thanks for all the support.

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