Part 21

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Peerage List:

Lucille - Queen
Kusara - Knight 1
Kara - Knight 2
Jade - Bishop 1
Irene - Bishop 2
Rose - Rook 1
Eva - Rook 2
Keith - Pawn 1
Grace - Pawn 2
Jada - Pawn 3
Ni/Li - Pawn 4/5
Amber - Pawn 6
Zoe - Pawn 7
Mina - Pawn 8

Your Weapons: Trinity and Frenzy


(Y/N): Anubis why didn't you remind me the golem's birthday's are tomorrow!

Anubis: Didn't need too, I have it all under control.

(Y/N): You do?

Anubis: Of course, some of your peerage members are helping set it up as well.

(Y/N): Alright then.

Anubis: You shouldn't be worrying about that right now, I need you go check out something for me. Issei and an unknown power source are in the park, go see what's happening.

(Y/N): Am I allowed too ?

Anubis: Go have some fun (Y/N), it won't affect anything.

You prepared your teleport but were quickly stopped as Rose walked by. 

Rose: Hey, where ya going?

(Y/N): Taking care of something.

Rose: Can I come?

(Y/N): If you want too.

You and Rose teleport to the park. As soon as you teleported there you saw what was wrong. Issei stood over Asia, Asia bloody and bruised on the ground and Issei getting ready to strike again. You were about to say something but-

Rose: How dare he!

Just like that Rosa appeared in front of Issei. Issei had no time to react as Rosa punched him into the ground. Issei was probably getting used to being beaten up by now.

(Y/N): Good job Rose.

You ran over to Asia with Rose to check up on her.

Asia: I'm sorry (Y/N).

You felt a powerful blast hit you in the back, sending you flying through the fountain in the middle of the park. You skidded for a few feet before coming to a halt.

Rose: (Y/N)!

Rose ran over to you and helped you up. You got up and turned around, there stood all of Rias's peerage. This whole thing was a trap, they really were hitting all new lows.

(Y/N): I try to be nice.

Rose: What should we do?

(Y/N): We can easily defeat them, But I don't want to make more of a mess here.

Rias: We finally have you, after all this time.

You were about to get up before Rose put a hand on your chest

Rose: Let me handle this (Y/N).

Rose stood up, an evil glare in her eyes. You've never seen her like this. In seconds Rose was in front of the group, the first one down was Kiba as he jumped in front of Rias. Rose's fists connected with his sword but the sheer force behind it sent him flying. Being in front of Rias she was sent back as well, both getting sent back a distance as the other members looked on in shock. Most of rias's peerage ran after her but Akeno stayed to fight.

Akeno: How dare you!

She shot blasts and blasts of lightning, each crackling about and burning the pavement. But Rose simply dodged in and out of every blast, almost like a dance. It only took a few seconds for her to reach Akeno. She grabbed both of akeno's hands as she pushed her down to the ground, pinning her down.

Akeno: Get off of me!

Rose: If you insist

Rose simply leaned back and punched, instantly knocking out Akeno. Possibly a few teeth as well. And just like that, the fight was concluded.

(Y/N): Wow.

Rose: Did you say something (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Oh nothing, well done.

You walk over to Rose and patted her on the back, you looked around the burnt and destroyed remnants of the park. I think it might be time to leave.

(Y/N): Let's head back.

???: Well this is not what I was expecting.

You turned around as a gray haired man floated in the air. 2 wings kept him in the air as he looked down on you, a confused look on his face. Even though you've never met him before, his aura seemed familiar in a way.

???: You must be (Y/N)!

(Y/N): And who are you?

Vali: My name is Vali, I am the vessel of Albion. The White dragon emperor, you might have heard of him as the vanishing dragon.

(Y/N): Never heard of it, only dragon I've met is the one unconscious back there.

Vali: I see, then you've done half the job for me. I was sent here to defeat that man, but since you've done it for me. Maybe I should take care of you instead.


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