Part 5

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You get teleported into a street. The whole street seemed basically abandoned. At the end of the street you can detect a huge amount of fallen angels, with 3 unknown auras.

Fuorr: I can detect another unknown source, seems like 2 boys and 1 girl. They are extremely powerful and could be a great asset to your peerage. Hurry up though I can sense they are beginning to be overwhelmed.

(Y/N): You ready Lucille?

Lucille: Always!

You and Lucille summon your sacred gears as you kick down the door to the building. Inside you see exactly what Fuorr said. Three people were against the wall fighting to there last breath. Two of them were boys and one girl. All around them were fallen angels primed and ready to kill them, A noble last stand for them.

(Y/N): This could be hard if done wrong, don't hurt those three. Just the fallen angels, okay Lucille?

Lucille: Of course.


You charge at the fallen angels as the 3 people stand there in shock and confusion. As you slashed through 2 you saw Lucille kill another one out of the air by throwing her sword at it. You turn to all the other fallen angels as you felt fear radiating from them. All this fear was giving you insane amounts of power.


A wave of golden energy radiates from your sword hitting all of the fallen angels. They quickly erupt in bright golden flames. They do their best to put it out, patting themselves and rolling around.But nothing, soon the flames extinguished their lives. You land to the ground and turn to the 3 people who were in danger. Lucille walks up behind you and looks at them as well.

???: Please Don't hurt us, we will do anything

???: You can hurt me, but just don't hurt my sister


You remove your armor as you look down at the trio with a friendly smile, doing your best to assure them they're safe.

(Y/N): I'm not here to hurt you, in fact, I'm here to save you.

???: R-Really??

???: Hold on sis.

He turns to you, a wary look on his face.

???: How do I know we can trust you?

(Y/N): Because like the three of you, We are outcasts as well!

Lucille gives them a reassuring grin, also doing her best to help.

???: Who is she?

(Y/N): I saved her life, and I would like you guys to join me so we can save more.

???: What do we do brother?

The brother of the girl turns to her and then gives the other male there a look before turning to you guys.

(Y/N): How can I prove to you that I mean no harm

???: Tell us your story.

Lucille gets a surprised look at this request and looks at you, seeing if your ready to reveal

Lucille: Are you ok do this? 

(Y/N): *Sigh* Yes I am, they deserve this.

You sit down in front of them and explain to them your story, all about How Rias betrayed you and Anubis saved you. How Anubis had trained you to be stronger than any of Rias's peerage. How Fuorr had joined your side and How you had saved Lucille from some fallen angels ready to take "Advantage" of her.

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