Part 9

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Peerage List:

Lucille - Queen
Kusara - Knight 1
Jade - Bishop 1
Keith - Pawn 1
Grace - Pawn 2
Rose - Rook 1
Eva - Rook 2

Your Weapons: Trinity and Frenzy


(Y/N): Do you have a smaller form Silver?

You and silver were currently walking together. You can sense everyone was still catching their own familiars so you would just wait by the entrance.

Silver: I do, I also have a human form if that would be more to your taste.

(Y/N): Good to know, can you transport to your smaller form for now.

Silver: Of course master

A glow comes out of Silver as she turns into her smaller form. Where silver once stood was possibly the cutest cat ever. Silver's looks basically like a miniature form of normal self. A small silver housecat.

(Y/N): Cute, lets go!

You pick her up in your arms and begin to head towards the entrance once more.

(Y/N): Hopefully, everyone meets us there. I wonder how Kusara did.

You find the entrance and see that almost everyone is there, The only people missing are Keith and Grace

Lucille: Finally, what familiar have you got master?

(Y/N): This is my familiar.

You show silver to them, the girls seemed to especially like her. The housecat almost seemed to glint the sunlight off of her.

(Y/N): Silver you can go back to your old form if you'd like.

Silver: Of Course

Silver gets engulfed in light, when done she falls out of your arms. The full size of the silver lion was now in front of you, a powerful aura radiating around her.

Jade: She radiates power!

Silver takes a seat next to you as you sit down on a bench at the entrance. She almost seems territorial of you.

Grace: Sorry to make you guys wait.

Just when you sat down Keith and Grace emerge from the trees with their familiars

(Y/N): Ahh, now that everyone is here, can I see everyone's familiars

Lucille: I'll go first, this is my familiar. Winter's Whelp

Between her legs nudging her sat what looked like an ice fox. It's tail looked like it was made of pure snow. It's eyes we're green and it had tiny little horns on its head, it looked young.

Lucille: *Proudly* He's a cutie!

Grace: This is my familiar! Shadow nymm.

Grace holds up a begrudging looking cat. The cat was pure black but was way bigger than a normal house cat.

Grace: isn't he the cutest

She hugged the cat as the cat got over it's annoyance and seemed almost content with the hug

Keith: This is my familiar, Seedling Companion

A figure resembling a pixie hovered on his shoulder, she looked to be holding a flower. A cute little thing, she was green and couldn't be bigger than your hand. She had big eyes but had nothing that resembled a nose or mouth. She seemed very worried about the flower she was holding, it must mean she can't lose it.

Kusara: I'll go next. this is my familiar, Omen Hawk.

A normal looking hawk sits on his shoulder, however its eyes glow a fiery blue. The hawk almost looks cocky the way it looks around, it seems to know it's own power.

(Y/N): Is that the same hawk from the tree?

Kusara: Yep

(Y/N): Nice, what'd u get jade?

Jade: This is my familiar, it's an ember cat!

A cat sat in between everyone chasing its tail, it was the size of a normal cat except it was made completely of fire. It seemed to act just like a normal cat though, it didn't even seem to notice what it was.

Rose: This is my familiar, Vulpiprav

A beautiful fox sat around Rose, it glowed an ethereal blue. It almost looked like a ghost the way it glowed in the light. The fox had 3 tails and very pronounced ears. It looked around, eyeing the other familiars.

Eva: Lastly this is my familiar, it's a Relimer.

A wolf sat to the side of Eva, this looked like no normal wolf though. It's entire body was shadowy and it had feet long whiskers off its face. It's tail was also long and made of shadows. The wolf had a very ominous feel to it.

(Y/N): What is that thing

Kusara; Couldn't tell you

(Y/N): Good job though everyone, Let's head home now. We found some great familiars

Lucille: I could use some sleep

You summon the usual teleportation circle, but suddenly the golden tint to it becomes red. You get teleported anyway. But not too the pyramid, but too a familiar clubroom.

(Y/N): It better not be.

???: Hi (Y/N), it's time to talk.

You turn to see the reason behind all of this, Rias.

(Y/N): Why is it always you?

Rias: We need to talk (Y/N).

(Y/N): And why should I do that?

Rias: Just listen to me.

(Y/N): .... You have a minute

Rias: I would like a rating game, between your peerage and mine.

(Y/N): You have a full peerage, I'm still missing a few pieces-

Rias: Let me finish, I'll give you time to finish your peerage if you agree to a wager to the rating game.

(Y/N): What's the wager?

Meanwhile, your peerage was behind you, all of them on guard. They were ready for an ambush or whatever the others could throw at them.

Rias: If I win, you have to rejoin my peerage

You didn't seem phased by this, you figured it was gonna be a stupid request.

(Y/N): And If I win?

Rias: What would you like, dear (Y/N)

(Y/N): For you to fuck off out of my life and my peerage's lives

Rias: We have ourself a deal.

She sticks her hand out. You go to shake it but decide to have a little fun. You poured a little aura into your palm so rias can sense it when she shakes your hand. As soon as you shake hands Rias senses your power and realizes what she just agreed too.

(Y/N): See you then

You teleport you and your peerage out. Leaving a stunned Rias and a confused peerage.

Issei: What's wrong Rias?

Rias: I might have just agreed to a suicide mission, we need to get stronger.

Issei: Don't worry you have me!

Rias: Issei...


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