Part 2

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It has been about 2 weeks since you've met Anubis. Anubis has shown you better leadership and training then Rias and her group ever could. You've gotten a lot stronger.

Anubis: Push, Harder!

(Y/N): Grr

You were battling against some training dummies Anubis made. They were black with a golden color to them, they fought as strongly as a knight would. You finished off the last one by impaling him with your sacred gear. 

(Y/N): It's like my sacred gear is changing. The gray on the blade looks like it is slowly changing to a more golden appearance.

Anubis: Great Job (Y/N)!

He walks up behind you and put a comforting hand on your shoulder.

Anubis: One final test (Y/N), if you pass you will get a reward.

You look up at him.

(Y/N): What kind of test?

He walks a few feet towards you and turns, A golden sword appears in his right hand.

Anubis: Ready?

You are shocked for a second before quickly recovering and preparing your blade.

(Y/N): Of course.





You quickly charge at Anubis to try and get the upper hand. You slash down hard but he easily blocks and kicks you away. Trying against you slash at his stomach which he easily blocks, you were hoping for this. You sweep at his foot, but is once against easily blocked. 

Anubis: Nice try boy, you've gotten better

Anubis brings his sword down on you which you block. You jump up before slashing down on him once more which he blocks again. You jump away before he can swing on you again.

Anubis: I thought you were ready... I must've been wrong!

The mention of those instantly made memories rushes back to you. All the memories of you and Akeno together. All the memories of you giving your all for Rias. You and Issei trying your hardest to save her from Riser's Arranged Marriage. But of course, Issei got all the credit. It was always about ISSEI!

Your sword responds to your anger, a bright gold glow fills the room. With all the rage inside of you, your sword finished its transformation. Just the feeling of it in your hand makes you feel like you could fight anyone. But that wasn't even all of it. Not only had the sword changed but you could see that same golden material spreading across your body. It slowly crept up your arms before covering your torso. Across the field, Anubis looked at you with a proud and knowing smile.

Anubis: So that's the push it took, I didn't want to resort to that but so be it.

The golden material covers your entire body, a whole new feeling of power courses through you.

(Y/N): This is it!


(Y/N): So this is what a balance breaker feels like!

With this new found power. You were able to charge at Anubis with speeds he couldn't even detect. Anubis managed to block this attack but was sent flying back, but him being Anubis he landed on his feet.

Anubis: Alright that's enough.

You lowered your guard at this, mere seconds away from another attack. With your adrenaline leaving you, you fell down to one knee. The punishment for all that energy you just used coming into effect. Anubis walks up to you and extends his hand. You thought for a second he was helping you up but realized a familiar golden glow was emitting from his hand.

You felt your energy return as you got to your feet.

(Y/N): What...Just happened?

Anubis: You finally reached your true power, come with me.

Anubis and you head into Anubis's temple 

You arrive in the library. You see that Anubis is flicking through a book. He finds what he is looking for and tosses the book to you. On the front page, you see that it is a book all about Sacred Gear's. You go to the page he told you too and see two golden items, It took you a second but you realize this is your sacred gear/ balance breaker.

You begin to read.

Sacred Gear: Trinity
Power: Godslayer level
Last Known Owner: Unknown

(Y/N): There is no previous owner, What did I do to deserve this?

Anubis: Just keep Reading.

(Y/N): Okay.

Balance Breaker: Golden Lion 
Power: Even stronger that Draig's Balance Breaker. For the more fear, the enemy feels towards you the stronger your armor and your sword get.

(Y/N): So, this is the power I wield?

Anubis: Yes.

(Y/N): Why did I get this sacred gear, there has to be more worthy people.

Anubis: You were chosen for a reason, I'm sure you will learn that reason at some point. Now go get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow.

(Y/N): Alright.

You pick up Trinity and head to your bed.

Anubis: *Whispering* Is he really ready to wield you.

???: I've watched him, he is more than ready. Now give him the box I have requested you give him.

Anubis: If you insist.

Anubis walks up to a wall and presses a button. A Secret panel in the wall is revealed. In it is a golden box.

Anubis: (Y/N), my apprentice. This will be a big step. I hope you are ready!


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