Part 24

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Peerage List:

Lucille - Queen
Kusara - Knight 1
Kara - Knight 2
Jade - Bishop 1
Irene - Bishop 2
Rose - Rook 1
Eva - Rook 2
Keith - Pawn 1
Grace - Pawn 2
Jada - Pawn 3
Ni/Li - Pawn 4/5
Amber - Pawn 6
Zoe - Pawn 7
Mina - Pawn 8

Your Weapons: Trinity and Frenzy



You and Anubis watched as Lucille and Mina paced around the room, making her frustration clear.

(Y/N): You think this is so funny don't you?

You turn to Anubis, His grin still as wide as ever.

Anubis: It's not every day you get to see this, I find it entertaining

(Y/N): Well I certainly don't.

Mina: I can't believe this, there is no way we will help her

(Y/N): We are gonna help her

Mina and Lucille turned to you with a shocked expression

Lucille and Mina: ARE YOU SERIOUS?

(Y/N): Yes

You could see flames in there eyes at this point, running away seemed like the best option.

(Y/N): ( I have to stand strong, I am the King of this peerage)

Lucille: There's no reason for this, it's a useless mission

(Y/N): It's not useless, no matter how bad she has been. Everyone deserves a second chance, That's what I promised you guys when I invited you to my peerage.

Mina: I guess...

(Y/N): Now let's go to sleep, we leave tomorrow

Everyone went there respective rooms, you could sense Anubis chuckling in his room though

(Y/N): (I hate him so much sometimes)

The Next Day

Anubis: So let's hear your plan

(Y/N): I was thinking about this long and hard last night, and I came up with a plan i'm really proud of.

Keith: What is it?

(Y/N): Let's just attack them straight on, and overpower them

You could see a few of your peerage members fall over, Behind you anubis was shaking his head.

Kusara: I know we can do that, but like... that's it?

(Y/N): Yep

Kusara: No other ideas?

(Y/N): Nope

Lucille: I call dibs on beating Rias

Kara: No wait, I call dibs on her

Zoe: She's mine

An argument began to break out as you backed away slowly.

Anubis: Control them (Y/N), we have to leave soon.


Everyone turned to you, surprised by the outburst.

(Y/N): We have to leave soon, prepare your weapons.

As everyone began to go off to there rooms, you turned to Anubis.

(Y/N): Hey, have you seen Silver today?

Anubis: No, she went out this morning to go shopping.

(Y/N): It's been a while, maybe we should check on her.

Anubis: She's fi-

A huge aura burst shook the ground.

(Y/N): That can't be good...


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