Part 28

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A wild punch blasts the ground where Mina once stood. Her Zoe and Eva had been engaged by their main force. A weakened Akeno, Issei and Rias Gremory herself. Asia sat behind Rias, almost hiding behind her as both sides traded attacks.

Zoe: I thought you'd be stronger Red Dragon.

Her fists glowed an icy blue as her punch collided with the side of his armor, freezing the point of contact and sending him flying back. While those two took on Issei, Eva had been engaging the others. Her chain wrapped around Akeno mid flight. As she pulled down with all her strength Akeno slammed against the ground, leaving her in a daze. Spinning the chain around, she swings it into a red ball from Rias. All Rias could do was look on in annoyance, how was she being embarrassed so.. badly?

Rias: Come on guys! We can do this!

Issei: I'm trying!

Another one of his punches went a miss on Zoe this time, as Mina's sword collided with his back. The Sword reeked of holy magic, if it hadn't been for his armor he'd be dead.

Issei: That's it, my secret technique will save us.

Issei got up from the ditch he had created, a new found energy in him. He charged at Zoe and Mina with his hands stretched outwards. His hand connected with Mina's shoulder before being punched away by a frost punch from Zoe.

Issei: Here we go! Dress break!


The girls could only look on in confusion and disgust as Mina's shirt disappeared from her. Leaving her standing there in just her bra. This didn't have the effect he thought it would though, only serving to fuel them for the fight.

Zoe: You dare defile her! I'll freeze you in place.

The ice in her hands became brighter and brighter as she charged at the Issei. Even behind his full suit of armor she could see his lecherous face towards her friend. Punch after punch collided with his armor as he tried to fight back, his boosts couldn't power him up in time fast enough though. He was completely outmatched. All Ddraig could do was withdraw his armor, all what was left of it was the gauntlet. And as he sat there with a face of terror at the two girls who looked down on him, he heard footsteps.

(Y/N): Hello guys.

You looked at the state of them, it was pitiful. A chained up Akeno, a terrified and beaten Issei, A Gremory hiding behind her pieces. It was truly a sight to see.

(Y/N): You know everyone is watching right, this embarrassment.

Rias: How dare you!

(Y/N): How dare you waste my time like this.

All your pieces eventually met up at the final battlefield. Here you all stood outside the occult research club. Your pieces looked fresh and ready to go. What was left of Rias's were not looking so good. It was time to end this.

(Y/N): This feels unfair now, all of us against you. Oh well-

Issei: Wait!

Issei stood up at the holy sword went to his neck, Mina stopped and looked at him though. She was no reason in rushing the inevitable. 

Issei: Fight me (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Why?

Issei: Let me prove once and for all I'm stronger!

(Y/N): You're weakened, you wouldn't be able to beat me at full strength.

Issei: Asia!

The blonde nun quickly panicked and ran over, a fearful look on her face the whole way there. The poor girl reminded you of Jade, maybe you should try and get her out as well? The ex angel's hands glowed as all of Issei's injuries disappeared. He jumped up to his feet, his usual cocky grin coming back as he felt nothing but confidence.

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