Part 12

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Peerage List:

Lucille - Queen
Kusara - Knight 1
Kara- Knight 2
Jade - Bishop 1
Rose - Rook 1
Eva - Rook 2
Keith - Pawn 1
Grace - Pawn 2
Jada- Pawn 3

Your Weapons: Trinity and Frenzy



Rias and her peerage were in the clubroom, Riser stood before her shaken up. He didn't care much for her belittling, but knowing someone is stronger than him? It shook him to his core.

Riser: Riser already told you.

Rias: You had him right there! What's the issue?

Riser: Riser would've beat him into the ground, but Grayfia intervened.

Rias: You need to beat him in the rating game, no matter what. You've been given a second chance. I expect you to make the most out of it.

Issei: The rating game?

Rias: It's not important Issei, get your rest.

Issei was still shaken up, his healing took longer than usual cause of the weapon that inflicted the damage. This just added onto the nervousness of Rias, just what are you now.

Riser: Riser doesn't need training, Riser is stronger than that puny devil. That (Y/N) boy just got lucky.

Rias: If you say so.

Riser: Riser shall now take his leave, bye my dearest.

Riser teleported out as Rias turned to Akeno, annoyance clear on her face at the day's results.

Rias: He's gonna be annihilated, but it's all part of the plan.

Akeno just gave a weak nod, these schemes and plots were really starting to ware her down.


Keith: Not complaining or anything, but how tall is this mountain?

(Y/N): Not sure, we're near the top though.

Grace: Remind me why we're going up here?

(Y/N): To train, it never hurts to train. In the future, we might have to face someone like Lucifer so we need to become stronger.

Jada: Couldn't we just teleport up?

(Y/N): Not yet, I need to deactivate the barrier up there to allow us to teleport there. To do that I need to be up there. This is a private base of Anubis's, not just anyone is welcome.

Jada: I see.

(Y/N): This will help us become stronger, when we deactivate the barrier Anubis will teleport in. After that the training will begin.

Kusara: Alright.

(Y/N): Here we are!

You were the first one to the top, everyone quickly following with a last surge of strength. You were happy to see this. Showing you that no one in your peerage is lacking in physical strength, well except Jade. Jade slowly creeped up the mountain after everyone, her backpack was smaller but she still struggled. Clearly it wasn't her strong suit.

(Y/N): You alright Jade?

Jade: Yea, just not used to this kind of thing. I'm usually in the backline healing everyone.

(Y/N): *Laughing* Alright!

Jade: *Pouty* Don't laugh!

(Y/N): Sorry sorry, now everyone! Follow me.

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