Part 6

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You were woken up as the scent of food hit your nose. An amazing way to wake up as you sit up in bed. You're eager to find the source of it.

(Y/N): Did that old man finally take up cooking? No way right.

You laughed to yourself as you headed into the kitchen to see Keith was cooking a full on breakfast.

(Y/N): Good morning Keith!

Keith: Good morning, breakfast will be ready soon. Please take a seat if you'd like.

(Y/N): Hold on, you can cook?

Keith: I had to take care of my sister, speaking of which I'm gonna go wake her up. Hopefully with some responsibility her sleep schedule will be fixed.

Keith walks off as you realize he had plated 6 plates of food.

You notice Anubis sitting at the table, looking off into nothingness.

(Y/N): Keith made an extra portion of food, do you want to try eating?

Anubis: I have no need to eat.

(Y/N): Just try it?

You pick up the plate of food and set it on the table, you then hint him towards the chair. He reluctantly sits down as you hand him a fork.

(Y/N): Maybe it'll make you grow big and strong.

As you finish up with Anubis Lucille walks in still half asleep. She rubs her eyes and tries to pet her hair down as she makes her way to the table. Kusara soon follows in, way more comfortable with the wake up.

(Y/N): Good morning, Keith made some breakfast so dig in.

You hand them there plates of food, for today it was scrambled eggs with some bacon. A hearty breakfast to get them ready for the day.

Keith: WAKE UP!


You hear them yelling from all the way across the pyramid, deciding to leave them be to handle it.

Lucille: This is good!

(Y/N): Thank Keith for this. Who knew that man could cook this well?

You sit down and begin to dig in as you see Keith walking in with grace following.

(Y/N): Thank you for the food Keith, it is amazing. You're amazing!

Keith: Haha no Problem, you saved my life. This is the least I could do for you guys.

(Y/N): Well dig in, we have to go shopping today so you'll need all your energy.

Lucille's tiredness seemed to go away in a second, this was replaced with excitement at the idea of shopping with another girl for once.

(Y/N):Just because we're doing that doesn't mean we're gonna rush. Take your time with your food and after this we can get ready.

A chorus of agreements sound off in your ear as you take in what's around you. It feels nice to be building up a family like this, a family you can trust. You remembered that Anubis was at the table eating with everyone. Deciding to see if he survived eating you look over to see he had finished his food and was just listening in. 

(Y/N): Nice to see you didn't choke

Anubis: I know how to eat thank you. By the way for your mall trip, see if you can swing by this place.

He hands you a card, it reads off "James, The Blacksmith".

Anubis: Swing by there and say I sent you, he can upgrade your guys' weapons and get you a new one if you'd like. The card should cover any purchases you make today. I don't know the money situation for you guys but just know this card won't run out. Oh and don't go too crazy

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