Part 13

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Peerage List:

Lucille - Queen
Kusara - Knight 1
Kara- Knight 2
Jade - Bishop 1
Rose - Rook 1
Eva - Rook 2
Keith - Pawn 1
Grace - Pawn 2
Jada- Pawn 3

Your Weapons: Trinity and Frenzy


(Y/N): Hey Anubis!

Anubis: Hmm?

(Y/N): I was meaning to ask, does this place have any security. Apart from us and the barrier of course

Anubis: Of course, would you like to meet them?

(Y/N): Them?

*Stomp* *Stomp*

Loud footsteps could be heard coming closer.  Everyone's training was quickly paused as 4 golems turned the corners. Massive in stature, the earth golems towered over all of you. While they radiated a threatening aura, you couldn't help but feel that they were friendly beings. Lucille though didn't seem to think the same, as she jumped in front of you. Hoping to protect her king from the golems.

(Y/N): Hey stop that, you're hurting they're feelings.

You pushed Lucille's sword down as she gave you a confused look. Turning to the golems, you could see an almost sad expression on what appeared to be the main golem. It was taller than the rest of them and stood in the front.

Lucille: Oh, I'm sorry!

Lucille de-summoned her weapon and quickly bowed to the golems, they gave each other a confused look before the front one bowed as well. Well as good as a stone golem can bow. It seemed to be mimicking her actions.

(Y/N): So you're our defenders, I feel safer already!

The three of them stood there, seemingly trying to act professional as the main one took a step forward

EG1: You.. Welcome..

(Y/N): You guys are amazing, not only did you protect the place it looks cleaner than when we left! 

You could almost see a smile on they're faces, they enjoyed the compliments a lot

EG1: We... Did..... Best...

(Y/N): Would you guys like to help us train? We could use the extra hands!

The main one turns to the others for confirmation, they all not at him as he turns back to you.

EG1: We... Train!

(Y/N): Alright, let's get back to it guys!

You all walk back to your spots, Anubis had decided for everyone they're own unique training. Jade walked back to her area begruidngly, why did the healer have to be strong echoing in her head.

(Y/N): Let's switch it up, we will be training on what your piece specializes in now instead of our weaknesses! Lucille.

Lucille: Hmm?

(Y/N): You will be training with the knights as you have a sword so the training will help you as well.

Lucille nods and Walks to Kusara and Kara.

(Y/N): Now for the rest of you, you will have a golem that will help you train, except you Lucille, Kusara and Kara

Kara: Who will we train with then?

You smile and sidestep, revealing Anubis standing there with a golden sword ready.

Lucille: H-Hold on, are you sure.

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