Part 33

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The teleportation finished as you looked around the room, the homely nature not lost on you as you stumbled towards your bed.  You hit the edge of your bed as you fall forward, and like that you were out. Your peerage stood all around your room, happy looks on all their faces. Slowly they tip toed out of the room and shut the door, making sure not to wake you.  Your peerage all grouped up around the room, Anubis had walked off to talk with the mysterious girl.

Keith: Guess he doesn't want that food after all.

Lucille: I'd say have some ready for when he wakes up, he'll be starving.

Jade: His wounds were all healed too, I didn't even have to do anything.

Amber: That girl said she had taken care of his wounds.

Kusara: Is it worth trusting her?

Lucille: She saved him, we at least have to hear out.

Mina: Makes sense to me, do we resume training now?

Lucille: Sounds good to me, let's go guys.

The peerage made their way outside, Lucille pausing to take a look at your door before heading outside with them.


You brought a hand to your eyes as you looked around you. 

(Y/N): No...

All around you was void, a golden bubble locking you in place as an eerie cold surrounded you. You were back in the void.

(Y/N): Please... no..

You jumped to your feet and looked around, this couldn't be real. You were all alone in this void, or so you thought.

???: You.

You turned around and face the source of the voice, across from you stood a hooded man in all black. An eerie black aura crept off of him as he looked downwards. None of his face was revealed as he held his scythe close to him.

???: DIE!

The hooded figure disappeared in a black smoke as they appeared in front of you. The scythe wound back as it swung down towards your neck, you had no time to react.

(Y/N): NO!

You jumped up in your bed as you felt the sweat on your body, you grabbed the sheets around you as you controlled your breathing. 

(Y/N): I'm safe.

You grabbed the blanket for comfort as you looked around your room, you were really home. You were snapped to attention though as you heard running down the hallway, someone quickly approaching the door.


The door flew open as Rose looked at you with a worried look, a happy expression replaced that though as she jumped onto your bed and onto you. She brought her face to yours as her hands grabbed your cheeks. This warmth was needed right now.

Rose: Are you ok!? I heard screaming!

(Y/N): I'm ok.

She leans back a little bit as she shifts her weight off of you, she seemed hesitant to get off of you. Getting over that hesitance, she moves her butt off of your waist and stands to the side of your bed.

Rose: If you insist... are you hungry?

You felt your stomach rumble as you looked up at her.

Rose: Well that's a yes, come with me.

She gives you a hand up as she wraps her arms around yours.

(Y/N): Rose?

She looks up at you, a sly smile on her face.

Rose: Yes (Y/N)~

(Y/N): Is this necessary?

Rose: It is, I have to make sure you keep your balance

(Y/N): I see.

You sweat dropped a bit at this but you let her do her thing. She practically dragged you to the kitchen as her arms were wrapped around you tightly, You felt her pushing her assets against your arm as well, she was well off you had to admit. 

Rose: Here we are...

She begruidngly let your arm go as she had a sad look on her face, you had to admit. You kind of missed the feeling. You patted her head as she looked up at you, a smile breaking through the sad look she had on.

(Y/N): Thank you Rose, I couldn't think of a better person to wake up too.

With this Rose beamed up at you, nothing but happiness on her face as you swore you almost saw tears. Just like that she was in your arms.

Rose: Thank you (Y/N)! Thank you!

You stayed like that for a few seconds before you eventually broke away, you sent her a appreciate grin before you looked at the door to the kitchen. 

Rose: Ready to see everyone?

(Y/N): I couldn't think of anything else I'd rather do.


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