Part 14

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Peerage List:

Lucille - Queen
Kusara - Knight 1
Kara- Knight 2
Jade - Bishop 1
Irene: Bishop 2
Rose - Rook 1
Eva - Rook 2
Keith - Pawn 1
Grace - Pawn 2
Jada- Pawn 3

Your Weapons: Trinity and Frenzy


Anubis: Don't blame yourself.

(Y/N): I could've saved him, I could've saved them from this if I had gotten their sooner.

Anubis: You did what you could, take solace in that. As the god of death, I shall see his body is escorted safely and treated well.

You and Anubis were currently outside the room looking through a window. Luckily this place had a medical wing, which is not really necessary with Jade around but the beds are helpful. It does make you wonder though, should we be hiring staff? Maybe medical rock golems are a thing... some research was in order.

(Y/N): Yes I could've, If I had arrived earlier-

Anubis: Don't dwell on this, the rating game is coming up and your peerage has been putting all their effort into training, but they still need your leadership. It is sad what happened but don't let it get to you.

(Y/N): I hate when you make sense.

Anubis: Let's allow them to rest, Ursin can watch over them.

The girl laid in the bed, after everything that had happened she was out like a light. On the counter next to her sat the glass, even in sleep it wouldn't leave her side.

(Y/N): Alright, what will you do?

Anubis: Finish training the peerage for the day, one day though this responsibility should fall to you.

(Y/N): I know, thank you Anubis

He just nods and walks outside to everyone, you can see through the window how hard they're all working. It makes you happy they are taking this so seriously. Deciding you needed to do something as well. You walked outside, breathing in the new fresher air of the mountain.

*Stomp* *Stomp*

(Y/N): What's wrong?

In seconds the earth golem was in front of you, an urgent look on its face. It also somehow seemed out of breath? Do earth golems breath?

EG1: There was an intruder at the barrier, there it is!

G1 points to a small bird pecking at some seeds on the ground.

(Y/N): That's a bird?

EG1: We're on a tall mountain, no birds can reach up here.

(Y/N): That... would makes sense.

EG1: Should I take care of it?

(Y/N): Sure, all yours!


EG1 charges at the bird as it flies away, EG1 still chasing it. You chuckle at this, watching your guard wildly swing was somewhat distracting you from the day prior. You sat there with your thoughts until you heard a roar. Turning around, you see a huge dragon flying towards you. Ursin looked panicked about something.

(Y/N): What's wrong?

You pet his head to calm him a little bit. He looked at you with urgency before turning and looking back at the medical wing. Putting 2 and 2 together you realized the girl must've woken up. You quickly follow Ursin into the room and see the girl was sitting up on her bed. You could tell what she was doing. She sat there absently looking at the glass. She hoped she would wake up from a bad dream, but here she is.

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