Part 8

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Peerage List:

Lucille - Queen
Kusara - Knight 1
Jade - Bishop 1
Keith - Pawn 1
Grace - Pawn 2
Rose - Rook 1
Eva - Rook 2

Your Weapons: Trinity and Frenzy


(Y/N): So what are your sacred gears?

It was the morning after, a long rest for everyone was needed after all that. Keith had made everyone breakfast once again as everyone sat around the table. You all talked as if you had been family for yours, the only one missing was Anubis. Whom had to go Deal with something for the morning.

Rose: My Sacred Gear is called Martyrdom!

Black gloves appear on her hands as she punches her fist into her palm.

Rose: Every time I land a clean hit on a target my power increases

(Y/N): Wow, that's powerful.

Rose: Thank you.

Rose sits down politely as Eva hesitantly stands up.

Eva: My Sacred gear isn't as powerful as hers..

Rose: We talked about this Eva, you're just as strong if not as stronger.

(Y/N): No one here will judge you, we are family now. Strength is not as important as your happiness.

Those words seemed to comfort Eva as the fear in her eyes disappeared. It truly sunk in to her now the friends she had around her.

Eva: My Sacred gear is Called Link Chain!

A somewhat normal looking chain appears out of her hand. Except a almost eerie glow emanated from it, you could tell that thing was way more powerful than it looked.

Eva: I can use it to fight but it's main strength is constriction. I can chain someone down and hold them there.

(Y/N): It's a pleasure to have you on board

Rose: Thank you for having us!

(Y/N): Now that's out of the way. I talked to the Familiar Master and he scheduled us in for today. So go and prepare, we will be getting everyone familiar's!

Everyone nodded and headed to their room. Eva seemed especially excited to have a familiar. You hear the sound of a teleportation circle behind you. You turn to see Anubis had returned from wherever he was.

Anubis: (Y/N), sit down.

You got a little confused at the seriousness but did as requested.

(Y/N): What's wrong?

Anubis: I was walking around town, taking in the air when I ran into Rias.

The mention of her name instantly sparked a rage in you. Even after all this time you weren't completely over what had happened.

(Y/N): What did she want from you?

Anubis: Please stay calm (Y/N), you need to keep an open mind for this.

It took a second but you managed to calm down.

Anubis: She wanted to have a meeting with you. She would like a rating game with you.

(Y/N): That's amazing!

Anubis: She mentioned a Wager, you'll have to talk to her about that one. She refused to mention it to me

(Y/N): When does she want to meet?

Anubis: She mentioned tomorrow. But be careful, it might be a trap.

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