Part 17

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Peerage List:

Lucille - Queen
Kusara - Knight 1
Kara- Knight 2
Jade - Bishop 1
Irene: Bishop 2
Rose - Rook 1
Eva - Rook 2
Keith - Pawn 1
Grace - Pawn 2
Jada- Pawn 3

Your Weapons: Trinity and Frenzy


Riser: Riser demands a rematch! The lion cheated somehow.

(Y/N): Why, so you can be destroyed again?

Riser: You didn't destroy me, you cheated!

(Y/N): You took out no one, your peerage fell in minutes.

Riser: Riser-

Ravel: You lost big bro.

Riser was fuming, his perfect record in rating games was now in shreds. Behind him Ni, Li, and Ravel walk over to him. Trying to console their irate master.

Ni and Li: We are sorry Master Riser!

Riser: You guys are useless, Riser doesn't want such useless pieces in his peerage!

(Y/N): They tried there hardest, give them a break. 

Riser: If you care for them so much why don't you take these 2 weak pieces off my hand.

(Y/N): Why don't we let them choose, they deserve that much.

Lucille: *Whispering* Are you sure Master?

(Y/N): *Whispering* Positive, they aren't weak. They have just had bad training.

You see Ni and Li looking back and forward with tears in their eyes. Even after how Riser treated them their was still a connection, it was a hard decision.

Ni and Li took one last look at Riser before walking over to you and Lucille

(Y/N): Riser you are a terrible person for this, they were loyal to you and you threw them away like trash.

Riser: Good Riddance.

Ni and Li turn around and both punch Riser in the face, knocking him to the ground. That slight sadness at leaving him quickly left them at his comments.

(Y/N): "Weak Pieces", come on girls.

You walk out of the room with Lucille, Ni and Li following you. Leaving Riser there to think on what just happened. It sunk in that he just gave away 2 of his pieces to his enemy, you truly bested him.

(Y/N): You ready girls?

Ni and Li: Yes

You grab 2 pawn pieces, they levitate before entering the girl's chest. Once again sealed with a golden glow. For the first time in a while, they were happy. They were free from the creepy phoenix. 

(Y/N): Welcome Girls!

Ni and Li give you a hug as Lucille looks on, enjoying the scene. A slight annoyance stayed in the back of her mind though, why does everyone have to hug you.

???: (Y/N)!

Sadly everything had to come to an end, you turn around to see.

Rias: Admit you cheated!

(Y/N): What?

Rias: I know you cheated, no one can destroy Riser like that. What kind of shit did you pull!

Lucille: It's called being strong, you wouldn't know.

Issei: Don't talk to her like that-

Issei stops talking as he starts noticing something of Lucille's. Issei goes braindead as he goes in to grope Lucille's boobs. Nothing but boobs crossed his mind.

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